I Remember the Alamo Test Chapters 6-10
  • 1. True or False. Colonel Travis gives Jessie The Last of the Mohicans to read at the Alamo.
A) False
B) True
  • 2. True or False. Davy Crockett shows Tad his rifle to convince Tad that he is really Davy Crockett.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. Which character says the following quote: "Can I be a Tennessee boy?"
A) Tad
B) Davy Crockett
C) William B. Travis
D) Yancy
  • 4. The author uses what type of figurative language in the following quote? "I'll bet he kills the whole Mexican army with that gun?"
A) Hyperbole
B) Alliteration
C) Personification
D) Simile
  • 5. The author uses which of the following types of figurative language in the following quote from the book? "Jessie was so cold she thought her fingers and toes would snap right off."
A) Alliteration
B) Personification
C) Simile
D) Hyperbole
  • 6. Which of the following characters says the following quote: "I wasn't brave….I was scared. I didn't want to shoot anybody, either. I just wanted the fighting to stop."
A) Jessie
B) Tad
C) Sue Dickinson
D) Mama
  • 7. The author uses which type of figurative language in the following quote from the book: "Another musket ball whined overhead."
A) Alliteration
B) Personification
C) Onomatopoeia
D) Simile
  • 8. At the end of Chapter 6, Jessie made a promise to Angelina. She promised to….
A) always think of Angelina as a friend
B) buy a new necklace
C) find a necklace
D) join her at Uncle Julio's rancho
  • 9. When Jessie shoots at the Mexican soldier, we can infer that Jessie…
A) is good at shooting guns
B) was showing off her shooting skills
C) is trying to protect herself and the others
D) has always wanted to fight in a battle
  • 10. When Angelina asks why Jessie was not wearing the necklace, you can infer that Jessie probably felt…
A) ashamed
B) smart
C) melancholy
D) mad
  • 11. Why was the star necklace so special to Angelina?
A) It was her great-grandmother's necklace
B) She found it buried in the ground
C) She made it herself
D) Her favorite brother gave it to her before he died
  • 12. Which of the following characters is described as pious?
A) Jessie
B) Angelina
C) Mama
D) Sarah
  • 13. True or False. In the first part of Chapter 10, "The Runaway Scrape," Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Dickinson, and the children are headed for San Antonio.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. What does the word "perish" mean in the following quote: "Tad complained the next morning. "And I'm about to perish. Can I have some peaches, Mama?"
A) eat
B) scream
C) faint
D) die
  • 15. All of the following describes Sarah Austin EXCEPT….
A) talkative
B) shy
C) spoiled
D) sassy
  • 16. True or False. The author uses an onomatopoeia when Tad says, "Blam! Davy Crockett is firing Old Betsy."
A) True
B) False
  • 17. The author describes Santa Anna as the following EXCEPT
A) fierce and unsmiling
B) dashing and joyful
C) wearing an elaborate uniform
D) dark-haired man
  • 18. Fact of Opinion. "Oh, Pooh," Sarah said. "Indians wouldn't be as half as terrifying as the fight at the Alamo."
A) Opinion
B) Fact
  • 19. When Mama does not shoot the Mexican soldier, we can infer that Mama ...
A) missed the soldier
B) could not load the gun in time
C) was not close enough to the soldier
D) is against killing and shooting others
  • 20. Who did the McCann's meet in Chapter 7 inside the Alamo?
A) All of the above
B) Colonel Travis
C) Davy Crockett
D) Jim Bowie
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