East and Central African history
  • 1. East and Central African history is a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and events that have shaped the region over centuries. From the ancient civilizations of Great Zimbabwe and Axum to the colonial legacy of European powers, this history is marked by diversity, resilience, and innovation. The trade routes of the Swahili Coast, the kingdoms of Buganda and Rwanda, and the struggles for independence all contribute to the complex narrative of East and Central Africa. This region has been a dynamic crossroads of peoples, ideas, and resources, leading to both cooperation and conflict. Today, the legacy of this history continues to influence the modern societies and politics of East and Central Africa.

    Which African country was not colonized by European powers in the late 19th century?
A) Kenya
B) Uganda
C) Ethiopia
D) Tanzania
  • 2. Who was the first President of Kenya?
A) Julius Nyerere
B) Jomo Kenyatta
C) Yoweri Museveni
D) Idi Amin
  • 3. What is the capital city of Tanzania?
A) Nairobi
B) Dodoma
C) Kigali
D) Kampala
  • 4. Who was the first Prime Minister of Uganda after independence?
A) Julius Nyerere
B) Idi Amin
C) Milton Obote
D) Yoweri Museveni
  • 5. Which country was formerly known as Tanganyika?
A) Uganda
B) Tanzania
C) Kenya
D) Rwanda
  • 6. In what year did Burundi gain independence from Belgium?
A) 1980
B) 1975
C) 1962
D) 1945
  • 7. What was the primary trade commodity in the East African coast during the medieval period?
A) Copper
B) Gold
C) Ivory
D) Silver
  • 8. Who was the dictator of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for over three decades?
A) Laurent Kabila
B) Mobutu Sese Seko
C) Patrice Lumumba
D) Joseph Kabila
  • 9. Which European power established the colony of German East Africa in the late 19th century?
A) Portugal
B) Britain
C) France
D) Germany
  • 10. Who was the first President of Tanzania?
A) Yoweri Museveni
B) Julius Nyerere
C) Mwai Kibaki
D) Jomo Kenyatta
  • 11. The Swahili language is a blend of Bantu languages and which other language?
A) French
B) Arabic
C) Spanish
D) English
  • 12. What was the political ideology of Julius Nyerere, the first President of Tanzania?
A) Communism
B) Ujamaa
C) Apartheid
D) Capitalism
  • 13. Who was the leader of Mozambique's independence movement and its first President?
A) Nelson Mandela
B) Idi Amin
C) Robert Mugabe
D) Samora Machel
  • 14. In what year did Kenya gain independence from British colonial rule?
A) 1956
B) 1963
C) 1970
D) 1985
  • 15. What was the capital of the Sultanate of Zanzibar?
A) Mombasa
B) Lamu
C) Zanzibar City
D) Dar es Salaam
  • 16. Who succeeded Idi Amin as President of Uganda?
A) Yusuf Lule
B) Yoweri Museveni
C) Milton Obote
D) Julius Nyerere
  • 17. Which country did Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania form in 1967, which later disbanded?
A) Organization of African Unity
B) East African Community
C) Commonwealth of Nations
D) African Union
  • 18. What architectural wonder is located in Lalibela, Ethiopia?
A) Great Zimbabwe
B) Pyramids
C) Timbuktu Mosque
D) Rock-Hewn Churches
  • 19. Which European explorer reached the shores of East Africa in the late 15th century?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Christopher Columbus
D) James Cook
  • 20. Who was the leader of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa during the fight against apartheid?
A) Nelson Mandela
B) Samora Machel
C) Robert Mugabe
D) Haile Selassie
  • 21. Who was the dictator of Uganda known for his brutal regime in the 1970s and 80s?
A) Idi Amin
B) Paul Kagame
C) Milton Obote
D) Yoweri Museveni
  • 22. Which waterway connects Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea?
A) Zambezi River
B) Limpopo River
C) Nile River
D) Congo River
  • 23. Which city is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Kigali
B) Nairobi
C) Brazzaville
D) Kinshasa
  • 24. The Great Zimbabwe ruins are a testament to the kingdom of which people?
A) Khoikhoi
B) Shona
C) Swahili
D) Zulu
  • 25. Who was the leader of the Mau Mau uprising against British colonial rule in Kenya?
A) Wangari Maathai
B) Mwai Kibaki
C) Jomo Kenyatta
D) Dedan Kimathi
  • 26. Which European explorer was the first to reach Lake Victoria in the 19th century?
A) Henry Morton Stanley
B) John Hanning Speke
C) David Livingstone
D) Richard Burton
  • 27. Who was the first President of Zambia after independence?
A) Kenneth Kaunda
B) Frederick Chiluba
C) Hastings Banda
D) Rupiah Banda
  • 28. Which Central African country gained independence from France in 1960 under President Fulbert Youlou?
A) Republic of the Congo
B) Gabon
C) Democratic Republic of the Congo
D) Angola
  • 29. Lake Turkana, formerly known as Lake Rudolf, is located in which country?
A) Ethiopia
B) Uganda
C) Kenya
D) Tanzania
  • 30. Which Central African country was once a major slave-trading hub ruled by the powerful Yao tribe?
A) Chad
B) Malawi
C) Sudan
D) Rwanda
  • 31. Which East African city is famous for its Swahili architecture and history as a trading hub?
A) Mombasa
B) Kilwa Kisiwani
C) Dar es Salaam
D) Lamu
  • 32. Which Central African country was formerly known as the Belgian Congo?
A) Republic of the Congo
B) Angola
C) Gabon
D) Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 33. Who was the first African country to gain independence from European colonial rule?
A) Nigeria
B) Kenya
C) Ghana
D) South Africa
  • 34. In what year did Tanzania officially become a union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar?
A) 1956
B) 1964
C) 1980
D) 1975
  • 35. What was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe in the 11th century?
A) Lusaka
B) Great Zimbabwe
C) Mombasa
D) Kampala
  • 36. Which city served as the headquarters of the East African Community before its collapse in 1977?
A) Dodoma
B) Arusha
C) Nairobi
D) Kampala
  • 37. In which year did Sudan gain independence from British rule?
A) 1960
B) 1973
C) 1945
D) 1956
  • 38. Which lake in East Africa is the second deepest freshwater lake in the world?
A) Lake Malawi
B) Lake Tanganyika
C) Lake Turkana
D) Lake Victoria
  • 39. Who was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo after independence?
A) Idi Amin
B) Mobutu Sese Seko
C) Patrice Lumumba
D) Julius Nyerere
  • 40. In which century did the Portuguese first establish trading ports along the East African coast?
A) 13th century
B) 19th century
C) 17th century
D) 15th century
  • 41. What is the Swahili word for 'freedom'?
A) Hakuna Matata
B) Safari
C) Harambee
D) Uhuru
  • 42. Who led the armed struggle for independence in Zimbabwe from British colonial rule?
A) Samora Machel
B) Ian Smith
C) Robert Mugabe
D) Nelson Mandela
  • 43. Who was the leader of the failed Hutu revolution in Burundi in 1972?
A) Cyprien Ntaryamira
B) Melchior Ndadaye
C) Michel Micombero
D) Agathe Uwilingiyimana
  • 44. Who was the first black African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
A) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
B) Leymah Gbowee
C) Aung San Suu Kyi
D) Wangari Maathai
  • 45. What is the name of the indigenous people of Madagascar, believed to have originally come from Southeast Asia?
A) Malagasy
B) Kikuyu
C) Zulu
D) Hausa
  • 46. Which European colonial power controlled present-day Kenya during the late 19th century?
A) Portugal
B) France
C) Germany
D) Britain
  • 47. Which leader led the successful independence movement in Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast?
A) Kwame Nkrumah
B) Jomo Kenyatta
C) Nelson Mandela
D) Patrice Lumumba
  • 48. Which rebellion against British colonial rule in Kenya was known for its militant tactics in the 1950s?
A) Madhist Revolt
B) Anglo-Zulu War
C) Mau Mau Uprising
D) Zanzibar Revolution
  • 49. Lake Victoria, one of the African Great Lakes, is located in which East African country?
A) Mozambique
B) Uganda
C) Sudan
D) Angola
  • 50. Who was the first woman to serve as president in Africa, leading Liberia in 2006?
A) Aung San Suu Kyi
B) Wangari Maathai
C) Joyce Banda
D) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
  • 51. Which city served as the colonial capital of British East Africa and is now the capital of Kenya?
A) Dar es Salaam
B) Nairobi
C) Kampala
D) Arusha
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