Pablo Picasso
  • 1. When was Pablo Picasso born?
A) 1900
B) 1925
C) 1881
D) 1856
  • 2. In which country was Pablo Picasso born?
A) Spain
B) France
C) Italy
D) Germany
  • 3. What art movement was Picasso a co-founder of?
A) Impressionism
B) Surrealism
C) Abstract Expressionism
D) Cubism
  • 4. Which famous painting by Picasso depicts the bombing of a Basque town during the Spanish Civil War?
A) The Old Guitarist
B) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
C) The Weeping Woman
D) Guernica
  • 5. How many wives did Picasso have?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
  • 6. What was the name of Picasso's first wife?
A) Françoise Gilot
B) Jacqueline Roque
C) Olga Khokhlova
D) Marie-Thérèse Walter
  • 7. Which artist was a close friend of Picasso and together they developed Cubism?
A) Vincent van Gogh
B) Henri Matisse
C) Georges Braque
D) Salvador Dalí
  • 8. What type of artwork is Picasso's 'Bust of a Woman'?
A) Sculpture
B) Watercolor
C) Print
D) Oil Painting
  • 9. What year did Picasso pass away?
A) 1960
B) 1973
C) 1995
D) 1985
  • 10. Where did Picasso spend most of his adult life?
A) Spain
B) United States
C) France
D) Italy
  • 11. Which art form did Picasso explore towards the end of his life?
A) Fiber Art
B) Ceramics
C) Glassblowing
D) Woodworking
  • 12. What is the title of one of Picasso's famous self-portraits created in 1907?
A) Self-Portrait with Palette
B) Blue Self-Portrait
C) The Absinthe Drinker
D) Self-Portrait with Striped Shirt
  • 13. What was the name of the artist studio in Paris where Picasso worked for many years?
A) Bateau-Lavoir
B) Champs-Élysées Atelier
C) Montmartre Studios
D) Left Bank Atelier
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