  • 1. Who is known as the 'father of apologetics'?
A) C.S. Lewis
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Augustine of Hippo
D) Justin Martyr
  • 2. Which argument for the existence of God states that every event has a cause?
A) Moral argument
B) Cosmological argument
C) Ontological argument
D) Teleological argument
  • 3. Which apologist famously wrote the book 'Mere Christianity'?
A) Lee Strobel
B) C.S. Lewis
C) Ravi Zacharias
D) William Lane Craig
  • 4. What is the field of study that focuses on the historical reliability of the Bible called?
A) Biblical hermeneutics
B) Biblical exegesis
C) Biblical theology
D) Biblical archaeology
  • 5. Which early church father wrote 'Against Heresies' to defend Christianity from Gnosticism?
A) Athanasius
B) Origen
C) Irenaeus
D) Tertullian
  • 6. What argument for God's existence is based on the idea that a universal moral law points to a moral lawgiver?
A) Ontological argument
B) Cosmological argument
C) Moral argument
D) Teleological argument
  • 7. Who is known for the ontological argument for the existence of God?
A) Charles Hartshorne
B) Anselm of Canterbury
C) Blaise Pascal
D) Alvin Plantinga
  • 8. Which apologist is known for the 'minimal facts' approach to defending the resurrection of Jesus?
A) John Lennox
B) Tim Keller
C) Gary Habermas
D) John Piper
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