  • 1. What is a Rottsky?
A) A crossbreed between a Rottweiler and a Husky
B) A hybrid of a poodle and a bulldog
C) A type of fish
D) A breed of cat
  • 2. Which of the following activities would be suitable for a Rottsky?
A) Agility training
B) Lap dog competitions
C) Cat shows
D) Underwater basket weaving
  • 3. Which parent breed does the Rottsky inherit its protective instincts from?
A) Poodle
B) Husky
C) Bulldog
D) Rottweiler
  • 4. What is one health concern that Rottskies may be prone to?
A) Vision loss
B) Hip dysplasia
C) Ear infections
D) Dental cavities
  • 5. Which weather condition might Rottskies enjoy due to their thick coat?
A) Hot and humid weather
B) Rainy weather
C) Cold weather
D) Tornadoes
  • 6. How do Rottskies tend to interact with children if properly socialized?
A) Playful and protective
B) Aggressive and disdainful
C) Afraid and avoidant
D) Indifferent and aloof
  • 7. What kind of training might be beneficial for a Rottsky to prevent behavioral issues?
A) Unstructured playtime
B) Obedience training
C) Spoiling the dog with treats
D) Ignoring the dog's behavior
  • 8. What is an example of a potential training challenge with Rottskies?
A) Too intelligent
B) Overeagerness to please
C) Stubbornness
D) Always follows commands perfectly
  • 9. Which of the parent breeds is known for their independent nature that may be passed on to Rottskies?
A) Golden Retriever
B) Husky
C) Poodle
D) Rottweiler
  • 10. Which of the following activities may help stimulate a Rottsky mentally and physically?
A) Interactive puzzle toys
B) Staring at the wall
C) Watching TV
D) Doing nothing
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