Mandate for Palestine
  • 1. When did the Mandate for Palestine come into effect?
A) 1918
B) 1923
C) 1936
D) 1948
  • 2. Which document recognized the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and their right to reconstitute their national home there?
A) Balfour Declaration
B) San Remo Conference
C) White Paper of 1939
D) Sykes-Picot Agreement
  • 3. Which event marked the end of the British Mandate for Palestine?
A) First Intifada
B) United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine
C) Israeli Declaration of Independence
D) Six-Day War
  • 4. In what year did the United Nations propose to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states?
A) 1947
B) 1973
C) 1956
D) 1967
  • 5. Which organization replaced the League of Nations in supervising the Mandate for Palestine?
A) European Union
B) African Union
D) United Nations
  • 6. Who was the High Commissioner of Palestine during the initial phase of the Mandate period?
A) David Lloyd George
B) Arthur Balfour
C) Winston Churchill
D) Herbert Samuel
  • 7. What term is used to describe the immigration of Jewish people to Palestine under the Mandate period?
A) Aliyah
B) Diaspora
C) Hijra
D) Pogrom
  • 8. Which city was designated as an international zone under the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine?
A) Tel Aviv
B) Haifa
C) Jerusalem
D) Gaza City
  • 9. What was the outcome of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War in relation to the Mandate for Palestine?
A) Establishment of the state of Israel
B) Annexation by neighboring Arab countries
C) Transfer of the mandate to the United Nations
D) Extension of British control
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