  • 1. Entrepreneurs are positive thinkers.
A) Decisiveness
B) Courage
C) Positive Thinkers
D) Patience
  • 2. The importance of networking in the entrepreneurial mindset.
A) Networking is important for building relationships and finding new opportunities
B) Networking is building relationships or mutual connections between selected people and organizations only
C) Networking is only important for extroverted individual
D) Networking is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
  • 3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an entrepreneurial mindset?
A) Risk-taking
B) Confidence
C) Persistence
D) Avoiding challenges
  • 4. Which of the following is not a key characteristic of successful entrepreneurs?
A) Having confident attitude
B) A willingness to take risks
C) A passion for their work
D) A focus on short-term goals
  • 5. aims to earn profits from producing, buying, and selling goods.
A) Entrepreneurs
B) business enthusiasts
C) business competitors
D) business managers
  • 6. An entrepreneur is someone who enters a business-any business in time to form or change substantially that business nerve center. According to___?
A) Schumpeter
B) Lloyd Shefsky
C) Economists
D) Karl Vesper
  • 7. What is the primary goal of information seeking?
A) Problem-solving
B) Social interaction
C) Entertainment
D) Discovery
  • 8. According to Albert Shapero resources are brought together in organization to accomplish some objective (or the resources in existing organization are reorganized).
A) Endeavor
B) organization
C) Intiative
D) Entrepreneurship
  • 9. Entrepreneurs are known for being risk-takers.
A) Innovativeness
B) Self-motivation
C) Opportunity seeking
D) Risk-taking
  • 10. It is a product of economic development.
A) Economic Development
B) Economic Rate Output
C) Economic Growth
  • 11. It is a process which refers to the progressive process of improving human conditions by reducing or eliminating poverty, disease, injustice, illiteracy, and exploitation.
A) Economic Rate Output
B) Economic Process
C) Economic Growth
D) Economic Development
  • 12. Means, he knows who he is, what he is good at (special skills or expertise) and what he likes to do.
A) Self-awareness
B) Self-esteem
C) Self-motivation
D) Passion
  • 13. A characteristic of an entrepreneur having the willingness to take the risks striving for success towards achieving goals in business.
A) Opportunity seeking
B) Courage
C) Drive
D) Information seeking
  • 14. Which of the following is The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development?
A) Provides taxes to the economy
B) Entrepreneurship is capable of generating more jobs, income, goods and services.
C) mobilizes capital
  • 15. What is the difference between a business idea and a business opportunity?
A) A business idea is a process and business opportunity is creating new markets
B) A business idea is a creative concept, while a business opportunity is a specific plan for implementation.
C) A business idea is a plan for starting a business, while a business opportunity is an existing opportunity to start a business.
D) A business idea is a new product or service, while a business opportunity is an existing market need.
  • 16. Entrepreneurs blend are__: I. Creativity, innovation, risk taking II. Hard work to form a firm III. Hard work to form and nurture ventures
A) III only
B) I and III only
C) I only
D) I, II and III
  • 17. A willingness to take the risk which is a valuable trait when striving for success.
A) Decisiveness
B) Courage
C) Positive Thinking
D) Patience
  • 18. Means, he knows who he is, what he is good at (special skills or expertise) and what he likes to do.
A) Passion
B) Self-awareness
C) Self-motivation
D) Self-esteem
  • 19. An entrepreneur have reasons that drive him to get him going and keeps him moving when he is in business.
A) Self-motivation
B) Confidence
C) Courage
D) Self-awareness
  • 20. The importance of risk-taking in the entrepreneurial mindset?
A) Risk-taking is important for seizing opportunities and achieving success
B) Risk-taking is avoiding challenges
C) Risk-taking is only important for individuals who have financial security
D) Risk-taking is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
  • 21. An entrepreneur appears as a threat, an aggressive competitor.
A) According to a businessman
B) According to A Capitalist Philosopher
C) According to Economists
D) According to psychologists
  • 22. Entrepreneurs are creative.
A) Innovative
B) Information-seeker
C) Discoverer
D) Opportunity-seeker
  • 23. A characteristic of an entrepreneur having the willingness to take the risks striving for success towards achieving goals in business.
A) Innovative
B) Drive
C) Opportunity seeking
D) Courage
  • 24. he real indicator of economic well-being among citizens and the masses are inn some ways was gauged by the amount of financial resources that every citizen accumulates.
A) Empower individuals
B) promote self-help and unemployment
C) mobilizes capital
D) Provides taxes to the economy
  • 25. What is the significance of passion in the entrepreneurial mindset?
A) Passion is making sacrifices of your time and affection
B) Passion is only important in artistic and creative industries
C) Passion is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
D) Passion is important for driving motivation and dedication to a venture
  • 26. This characteristic of an entrepreneur is described in Business as a process of making one fast decision after another. Often, a decision has to be made immediately, on the spur of the moment. In those instances, one should go with his intuition (the power/natural ability to make things possible) and Trust that he is doing the right thing.
A) Patience
B) Drive
C) Positive Thinking
D) Decisiveness
  • 27. What is the role of self-motivation in the entrepreneurial mindset?
A) Self-motivation is important for overcoming challenges and achieving goals
B) Self-motivation is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
C) Self-motivation is only applicable to those intelligent and wealthy individuals
D) Self-motivation is only important for individuals who lack support from others
  • 28. What is the role of innovation in the entrepreneurial mindset?
A) Innovation is important for creating new products and services and staying ahead of competitors
B) Only few businesses/firms employ innovation and creativity in their products and services
C) Innovation is only important in industries that require advanced technology
D) Innovation is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
  • 29. They are innovative opportunity seekers
A) business competitors
B) business managers
C) Entrepreneurs
D) business enthusiasts
  • 30. they create value by introducing new products or services or finding better ways of making them.
A) business enthusiasts
B) business competitors
C) Entrepreneurs
D) business managers
  • 31. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of innovation and new venture creation though five (5) MAJOR DIMENSIONS which are?: I. individuals, process, organization, institution, environment II. individuals, process, organization, institution, Government III. individuals, process, Innovation, Technology, environment
A) II only
B) I, II and III
C) I only
D) I and II only
  • 32. Key characteristic of successful entrepreneurs in opportunity seeking.
A) Inflexibility
B) Risk aversion
C) Preference for routine tasks
D) Creativity and innovation
  • 33. TODAY, Filipino entrepreneurs are being characterized by globalized trading system wherein the real challenges of entrepreneuristic persons and organizations in the so-called ?
A) Global Trading
B) Border less Trading
C) Border less World
  • 34. What is the role of creativity in the entrepreneurial mindset?
A) It is not important in the entrepreneurial mindset
B) It is important for generating new ideas and problem-solving
C) It is only important for artistic and creative ventures
D) Only few businesses/firms employ innovation and creativity in their products and services
  • 35. What is the first step in the information-seeking process?
A) Searching online databases
B) Reviewing past research
C) Compiling data
D) Identifying the information need
  • 36. A primary reason some business fall within a few years of start-up
A) Patience
B) Naiveness
C) Decisiveness
D) Experience
  • 37. one of the most appealing trait he exhibits to prospective clients,
A) Confidence
B) Courage
C) Experience
D) Patience
  • 38. Experience in one’s field is invaluable, but it is not enough. One has a better chance of succeeding by knowing, as much as possible about factors such as BUSINESS Basics, the PRODUCT or SERVICE that he want to sell, the industry he is entering, his competition, and the local, regional, state, and/or national markets.
A) Courage
B) Knowledge
C) Perseverance
D) Experience
  • 39. One of the adages one will hear time and again when talking to entrepreneurs
A) Experience
B) Perseverance
C) Patience
D) Knowledge
  • 40. One must believe in his goal and be determined to succeed.
A) Perseverance
B) Experience
C) Knowledge
D) Drive
  • 41. An Entrepreneur readily identifies opportunities for going into or to improve his business.
A) Risk-taking
B) Self-motivation
C) Innovativeness
D) Opportunity-seeking
  • 42. Setting high but realistic standards of excellence for himself,
A) Opportunity-seeking
B) Demand for Efficiency and Quality
C) Systematic Planning and Monitoring
D) Persuasion and networking
  • 43. As a careful Planner an entrepreneur sets what are to be accomplished and meticulously assesses how today’s activity can contribute to the accomplishment of his long-term goal.
A) Opportunity-seeking
B) Persuasion and networking
C) Systematic Planning and Monitoring
D) Demand for Efficiency and Quality
  • 44. A persuasive person,, the entrepreneur easily establishes a network of personal and business contacts around him.
A) Demand for Efficiency and Quality
B) Opportunity-seeking
C) Persuasion and networking
D) Systematic Planning and Monitoring
  • 45. He is regarded as one of the 20th century's greatest intellectuals.
A) Lloyd Shefsky
B) Karl Vesper
C) Economists
D) Schumpeter
  • 46. Entre means
A) nerve center
B) before; and
C) to enter
  • 47. Pre means
A) nerve center
B) before; and
C) to enter
  • 48. Neur means
A) before; and
B) nerve center
C) to enter
  • 49. Author of Contemporary Entrepreneurship
A) Dr. N.A. Orcullo
C) Joseph Alois Schumpeter
  • 50. every entrepreneur helps or assists the government not only by providing employment for himself but also providing employment to those employed by the firm.
A) mobilizes capital
B) Empower individuals
C) Promotes self-help and unemployment
D) Provides taxes to the economy
  • 51. the quantity and quality of products and services produced by every entrepreneur is a source of pride and identity for a country.
A) Provides taxes to the economy
B) Enhance competitive consciousness
C) Enhanced National Identity and Pride
D) Promotes self-help and unemployment
  • 52. Innovation, being the essence of entrepreneurship, is a catalyst to consciousness and culture competition, which in the long term breeds quality and international/global competitiveness.
A) Enhanced National Identity and Pride
B) Enhance equitable distribution of income and wealth
C) Enhance competitive consciousness
D) Promotes self-help and unemployment
  • 53. the entrepreneur’s penchant (tastes and preferences/wants/likes) for innovation and development of new product, as well as creation of new markets, redounds to the betterment of the products and services- and hence the quality of life.
A) Enhance equitable distribution of income and wealth
B) Enhanced National Identity and Pride
C) Enhance competitive consciousness
D) Improves quality of life
  • 54. with entrepreneurs succeeding in their respective endeavors, chances are equitable distribution of income and wealth can be likewise expected.
A) Enhance equitable distribution of income and wealth
B) Enhance competitive consciousness
C) Enhanced National Identity and Pride
D) Improves quality of life
  • 55. the entry of the entrepreneur into the world of business means tax sources for the government.
A) Promotes self-help and unemployment
B) mobilizes capital
C) Empower individuals
D) Provides taxes to the economy
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