What is Scratch? A programming language A computer Screen A website A computer Project What two things do all scratch programs have Script and instruction block At least 4 sprites At least 2 sprited Sprites and Scripts What word describes the instructions used to control Sprites in Scratch Command Backpack Score A Script What will happen if the instruction blocks are placed in the wrong order? The program will work Faster The program will work Normal The program will not work properly The program will work slower Stage Information Script Backpack Help Button Which Box Changes the Background on a Scratch Screen? What would you use the change the location of spriteon the Scratch Screen? Costume Tab Stage Information Coordinates File menue Which area are the instruction Blocks stored in a Scratch Screen? Blocks Pallete Costume Tab Help menu Stage Which area are sprites and script stored in a scratch Screen? Stage Knapsack Block Palette Backpack The program starts The program stops The program freezes The program is deleted What happens when the green flag is clicked in a scratch program? A B C D A B C D A B D C Which of the following block is used for selection/condition? A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D B D A C A B C D Which of the following block is used for repetition? A B C D C D A B D A B C B C D A C D A B D B C A A B C D The Cat in scratch is an example of a Hint: write your answer with all letters in capital A B C D A B C D D A B C What is a programe? A flow chart A video A series of step by step instructions that tells a computer how to solve a task I don't know What shape could be drawn from the following commands? Hint: write in Capital Hint: You must write your answer in capital is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games. A B C D A B C D B A C D A B C D C D B A B A D C A B C D A B C D |