Aryans (Medes+Persians) move onto the Iranian Plateau
  • 1. Which king founded the Achaemenid Empire?
A) Darius the Great
B) Alexander the Great
C) Cyrus the Great
D) Xerxes the Great
  • 2. What religion was practiced by the Medes and Persians?
A) Hinduism
B) Christianity
C) Buddhism
D) Zoroastrianism
  • 3. Which Persian king unsuccessfully invaded Greece in 480 BC?
A) Xerxes I
B) Artaxerxes I
C) Darius I
D) Cyrus the Great
  • 4. Who was the last ruler of the Achaemenid Empire?
A) Cyrus the Great
B) Darius III
C) Xerxes I
D) Artaxerxes III
  • 5. Which Persian king was known for his construction of grand palaces and cities?
A) Xerxes I
B) Darius I
C) Artaxerxes I
D) Cyrus the Great
  • 6. What famous canal was constructed under Darius I to link the Nile River to the Red Sea?
A) Suez Canal
B) Kiel Canal
C) Panama Canal
D) Erie Canal
  • 7. Which Greek playwright wrote the tragedy 'The Persians' based on the Persian defeat at Salamis?
A) Aristophanes
B) Aeschylus
C) Sophocles
D) Euripides
  • 8. Who was the first ruler of the Median Empire?
A) Xerxes I
B) Cyrus the Great
C) Artaxerxes I
D) Deioces
  • 9. What significant event happened during the reign of Cyrus the Great in 539 BC?
A) Fall of Troy
B) Battle of Thermopylae
C) Foundation of Rome
D) Conquest of Babylon
  • 10. What was the name of the Persian military elite unit made up of soldiers from various ethnic backgrounds?
A) Immortals
B) Legionaries
C) Samurai
D) Hoplites
  • 11. Which region did the Persian Empire extend to in the east during its peak?
A) Nile Delta
B) Scandinavia
C) Indus Valley
D) Iberian Peninsula
  • 12. Who was the father of Darius I?
A) Cyrus the Great
B) Hystaspes
C) Xerxes I
D) Artaxerxes I
  • 13. Where did the Aryans originate from?
A) Australia
B) Central Asia
C) South America
D) Antarctica
  • 14. What empire did the Medes establish in the 7th century BC?
A) Roman Empire
B) Aztec Empire
C) Mongol Empire
D) Median Empire
  • 15. What was the traditional headgear worn by Persian kings called?
A) Turban
B) Crown
C) Tiara
D) Helmet
  • 16. What significant construction project did the Achaemenid kings initiate?
A) Colosseum
B) Royal Road
C) Great Wall of China
D) Pyramids of Giza
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