Zavodovski Island
  • 1. What is the main type of wildlife found on Zavodovski Island?
A) Wolves
B) Penguins
C) Lions
D) Kangaroos
  • 2. What is the highest point on Zavodovski Island known as?
A) Mount Asphyxia
B) Mount Everest
C) Mount Fuji
D) Mount Kilimanjaro
  • 3. In what ocean is Zavodovski Island located?
A) Indian Ocean
B) Pacific Ocean
C) Atlantic Ocean
D) Southern Ocean
  • 4. What year was Zavodovski Island discovered?
A) 1901
B) 1492
C) 1776
D) 1819
  • 5. Which ship was the first to chart Zavodovski Island in 1819?
A) Vostok
B) Mayflower
C) Titanic
D) Endeavour
  • 6. What is the primary industry on Zavodovski Island?
A) Fishing
B) Tourism
C) None (uninhabited)
D) Agriculture
  • 7. Which explorer mistakenly named Zavodovski Island 'Visokoi Island' in 1820?
A) James Cook
B) Marco Polo
C) Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen
D) Christopher Columbus
  • 8. Which type of penguins are known to be abundant on Zavodovski Island?
A) Macaroni Penguins
B) African Penguins
C) Emperor Penguins
D) Chinstrap Penguins
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