Ottoman Turks first invade Hungary
  • 1. Which Hungarian king was defeated at the Battle of Mohács in 1526?
A) Ferdinand I
B) Matthias Corvinus
C) Louis II
D) János Zapolya
  • 2. After the Ottoman victory at Mohács, which portion of Hungary came under direct Ottoman rule?
A) Eastern Hungary
B) Northern Hungary
C) Western Hungary
D) Central Hungary
  • 3. Which Habsburg monarch claimed the Kingdom of Hungary after the defeat in 1526?
A) Ferdinand I
B) Leopold I
C) Joseph II
D) Charles V
  • 4. Who succeeded Suleiman the Magnificent as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire?
A) Osman II
B) Ahmed II
C) Murad III
D) Selim II
  • 5. When did the Ottoman Turks fully annex Buda and central Hungary?
A) 1541
B) 1566
C) 1580
D) 1526
  • 6. Who was the Habsburg commander that led the successful recapture of Buda in 1686?
A) Leopold I
B) Charles of Lorraine
C) Raimondo Montecuccoli
D) Prince Eugene of Savoy
  • 7. When was the Treaty of Karlowitz signed, ending Ottoman rule in Hungary?
A) 1753
B) 1683
C) 1718
D) 1699
  • 8. Who assumed the title of King of Hungary after the Treaty of Karlowitz?
A) Ferdinand III
B) Charles III
C) Joseph I
D) Leopold I
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