  • 1. Semiconductors are materials with electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. They have revolutionized technology by enabling the development of electronic devices such as transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits. These components are the backbone of modern electronics and are used in a wide range of applications, including computers, smartphones, and medical devices. Semiconductors work by controlling the flow of electric current, allowing for the precise manipulation of signals and data. Their unique properties have made them essential in advancing communication, computing, and various other fields of science and technology.

    Which of the following is a common semiconductor material?
A) Copper
B) Steel
C) Aluminum
D) Silicon
  • 2. Semiconductors are often used in the production of:
A) Electronic devices
B) Clothing
C) Automobile parts
D) Plumbing materials
  • 3. How does a photovoltaic cell work?
A) Stores energy as light
B) Emits light
C) Converts light into electricity
D) Reflects light
  • 4. Which device allows current to flow in one direction only?
A) Capacitor
B) Resistor
C) Diode
D) Transistor
  • 5. What is the purpose of a voltage regulator in an electronic circuit?
A) Store energy
B) Transform energy
C) Amplify signals
D) Maintain a constant voltage level
  • 6. What is the band gap in a semiconductor?
A) Energy stored in the material
B) Temperature at which it operates
C) Energy difference between the valence and conduction bands
D) Resistance to electricity flow
  • 7. Which semiconductor device functions as an amplifier or an electronic switch?
A) Transistor
B) Diode
C) Resistor
D) Inductor
  • 8. In which direction does current flow in an n-type semiconductor?
A) From negative to positive
B) From electron holes to electrons
C) From valence band to conduction band
D) From positive to negative
  • 9. What is the purpose of a semiconductor laser?
A) Store data
B) Generate heat
C) Produce coherent light
D) Convert sound to electricity
  • 10. What is the process of forming a thin layer of oxide on a semiconductor surface?
A) Etching
B) Deposition
C) Plating
D) Oxidation
  • 11. What property of semiconductors can be modified by applying an external electric field?
A) Color
B) Conductivity
C) Thermal conductivity
D) Melting point
  • 12. Which semiconductor component stores charge temporarily?
A) Resistor
B) Capacitor
C) Diode
D) Transistor
  • 13. What role does a semiconductor switch play in electronic circuits?
A) It controls the flow of current in a circuit.
B) It amplifies electrical signals.
C) It measures resistance levels.
D) It generates light from electricity.
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