Graph theory
  • 1. Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model relationships between objects. A graph consists of a set of vertices, or nodes, which are connected by edges, or links. Graph theory has applications in various fields such as computer science, social network analysis, and operational research. It helps in solving problems related to connectivity, routing, optimization, and more. Overall, graph theory provides a powerful framework for analyzing and understanding complex systems and relationships.

    What is a graph in graph theory?
A) A pie chart
B) A chart or diagram
C) A mathematical structure consisting of vertices and edges
D) A line graph
  • 2. What is a vertex in a graph?
A) A line connecting two points in a graph
B) A point or node in a graph
C) A function in graph theory
D) A path between two vertices
  • 3. What is an edge in a graph?
A) A vertex with no connections
B) A connection between two vertices
C) A node's color in a graph
D) A loop on a vertex
  • 4. In a simple graph, can an edge connect a vertex to itself?
A) No
B) Depends on the number of vertices
C) Sometimes
D) Yes
  • 5. What is the degree of a vertex in a graph?
A) The number of edges incident to the vertex
B) The size of the graph
C) The distance from one vertex to another
D) The number of vertices in the graph
  • 6. What is a path in graph theory?
A) A disconnected graph
B) An isolated vertex
C) A cycle in a graph
D) A sequence of edges that connect a sequence of vertices
  • 7. What is a planar graph?
A) A graph that can be drawn on a plane without any edge intersections
B) A graph with cycles
C) A multigraph
D) A disconnected graph
  • 8. What is an isomorphism between two graphs?
A) A loop on a vertex in both graphs
B) A bijection between their vertex sets that preserves edges
C) Two disconnected graphs
D) The same number of vertices in both graphs
  • 9. What is a weighted graph?
A) A graph with maximum number of edges
B) An undirected graph
C) A graph with only one vertex
D) A graph in which a number (weight) is assigned to each edge
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