USA invades Afghanistan
  • 1. When did the USA invade Afghanistan?
A) January 1, 2000
B) September 11, 2001
C) October 7, 2001
D) July 4, 2005
  • 2. Who was the President of the USA when the invasion of Afghanistan occurred?
A) Donald Trump
B) George W. Bush
C) Barack Obama
D) Bill Clinton
  • 3. What was the initial operation of the USA invasion of Afghanistan called?
A) Operation Infinite Justice
B) Operation Iraqi Freedom
C) Operation Desert Storm
D) Operation Enduring Freedom
  • 4. Who was the US Secretary of Defense during the initial phase of the invasion?
A) Colin Powell
B) Condoleezza Rice
C) Robert Gates
D) Donald Rumsfeld
  • 5. What city in Afghanistan was considered a stronghold of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda?
A) Mazar-e-Sharif
B) Kabul
C) Herat
D) Kandahar
  • 6. Which neighboring country of Afghanistan was crucial for US military operations during the invasion?
A) Pakistan
B) India
C) Iran
D) Tajikistan
  • 7. Who became the President of Afghanistan after the Taliban regime was removed from power?
A) Ashraf Ghani
B) Hamid Karzai
C) Abdullah Abdullah
D) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
  • 8. Which US Special Operations forces carried out the mission to capture or kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan?
A) Delta Force
B) Navy SEALs
C) Air Force Pararescue
D) Green Berets
  • 9. What is the current status of US military presence in Afghanistan?
A) Permanent military occupation
B) Change of focus to Iraq
C) Increasing troop deployment
D) Withdrawal of US troops
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