• 1. The____ domination within the NCNC party brought in a feeling of resentment
A) Hausa
B) Igbo
C) Yoruba
D) Cameroon
  • 2. Bokwoi means____ in Hausa Land
A) Five
B) Seven
C) Nine
D) Two
  • 3. ____was headed by Hebert Macaulay as president and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe as his secretary
A) Tiv
B) Bohanna
C) Mbavessen
D) Tsombor
  • 4. One of these was not a member of the Nigerian Youth Movement
A) Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe
B) Tafawa Balewa
C) Chief Obafemi Awolowo
D) H.O Davis
  • 5. The major trends that characterized the strength of National spirit are
A) The people's protest
B) The presence of an articulate class on Nigeria elite
C) The activities of the black disaporas
D) All of the above
  • 6. The immediate result for alteration of Nigeria was the birth of Nigeria
A) None of the above
B) Nationalism
C) Democratic
D) Independence
  • 7. The reason for the amalgation of the northern and southern protectorates was ____
A) Economically buoyancy
B) Not ready for politically autonomy
C) Large land
D) None of the above
  • 8. In___, the British government almagation Lagos colony and protectorate with the protector of the southern Nigeria to form the new colony and protectorate of the southern Nigeria
A) 1908
B) 1916
C) 1806
D) 1906
  • 9. All of these were brave and courageous Nigerians who resist the British except one
A) Attahiru of Sokoto
B) Ovoronramwen of Benin
C) Dosumu of Lagos
D) Jaja of Opobo
  • 10. In_____, the British took Lagos as a colony
A) 1961
B) 1681
C) 1761
D) 1861
  • 11. The trans-Atlantic slave was the unfortunate channel that first the ____ in contact with Nigeria
A) British
B) French
C) German
D) Portuguese
  • 12. The____ were the first Europeans to arrive Nigeria through Bini Kingdom
A) Portuguese
B) German
C) British
D) None of the options
  • 13. In Tiv society,___ was the head of a unit
A) Mbavessen
B) Achowo
C) Uka
D) Tsombor
  • 14. The____ refers to both the language and founding father of the group
A) Tiv
B) Tsombor
C) Idomari
D) Ogiri
  • 15. _____people as the largest single ethnic group in the middle Venue Basin
A) Idoma
B) Igala
C) Nupe
D) Tiv
  • 16. Achuwo was the head of Aku uka's council of nobles and functioned as the____
A) Prime Minister
B) President
C) Chief
D) Head of state
  • 17. _____ was respected in Jukun pre-colonial administration
A) Democratic
B) Public opinion
C) Ageism
D) None of the above
  • 18. The Jukun people are believed to have occupied the area between the River Venue and the River Ibi in_____state
A) Yobe
B) Gangola
C) Adamawa
D) Yola
  • 19. The Jukun people operated a_____system of government
A) Oligarchy
B) Democratic
C) Theocratic
D) Mertocratic
  • 20. Wakuri was also known as the principal town of the____people
A) Jukun
B) Idoma
C) Igala
D) Itsekiri
  • 21. The______afe also known as the kwararafe
A) Itsekiri
B) Igala
C) Idoma
D) Jukun
  • 22. The traditional Igala political structure was operated on______levels
A) None of the above
B) Three
C) Four
D) Two
  • 23. Politically speaking, each Igala_____was the head of any effective Igala territory
A) Meta
B) Mefa
C) Merin
D) Mela
  • 24. __________is best known as the ancestor to all the Attahs
A) Idoko
B) Achadu
C) Adugba
D) Trodede
  • 25. Historical Evidence exist to show that the territories of the Igala and some speaking peoples has been contagious
A) Hausa
B) Ibo
C) Yoruba
D) None of the above
  • 26. Some Igala elites attributes the emergence of their state to one______
A) Eje
B) Shaba
C) Trodede
D) Achadu
  • 27. Abutu eje sometimes identified a child reared by a_______
A) Lion
B) Elephant
C) Tiger
D) Leopard
  • 28. In traditional Nupe land, each village was headed by the______
A) Shaba
B) Maku
C) Kpotulu
D) Zizu
  • 29. The______Nupe was known as the head of the Nupe Kingdom
A) Chief
B) Etosin
C) Etsu
D) Atsun
  • 30. _____is also believed to have had an Igala father
A) Idada
B) Trodede
C) Agbo
D) Ollegi
  • 31. Egypt was the origin of the______people
A) Igala
B) Lokoja
C) Nupe
D) Idoma
  • 32. The people are best known for their segmentary and acephalous way of life is _______________
  • 33. What was the name given to a form of general assembly in traditional Igbo society?
A) Towns square
B) Amala Oha
C) Age grade
D) Amadioha
  • 34. In pre-colonial Africa, _______________ cults formed an essential part of the native court government.
  • 35. The lackadaisical attitude toward politics is called Political _______________
  • 36. What was equated with morality?
  • 37. What is part of human virtue ?
  • 38. Historically, the problem of social justice in Nigeria can be traced back to the first amalgamation in the year _______________
  • 39. In almost every tradition there were lesser Gods and _______________
  • 40. In Yoruba land the gods and goddesses were known as _______________
  • 41. In traditional Africa, ancestors were regarded as living not _______________
  • 42. History tells us the social and cultural organisation of traditional Africa was embedded in _______________
  • 43. In the Yoruba land, who is known as the God of iron?
  • 44. Before her independence, two organised foreign religion arrived in Nigeria, which are _______________
  • 45. _______________ is best known as the Islamic intellectualism, radicalism and agitations
  • 46. _______________ philosophers are best known as the systematisers of early Scientific thought
  • 47. The commonest legal method of acquiring the citizenship of a state is _______________
  • 48. National Conference on Education was organised by the Nigerian Education Council in year _______________
A) 1969
B) 1980
C) 1963
D) 1970
  • 49. Who inaugurated the 2010 vision?
A) Goodluck Jonathan
B) General Muhammad Buhari
C) General Sani Abacha
D) Olusegun Obasanjo
  • 50. What year was the 2010 vision inaugurated?
  • 51. What country is believed to be the original home of the Fulani in the South Sudan?
  • 52. Ancient Greece is best known as the Cradle of western _______________
A) Development
B) education
C) scholarship
D) modernization
  • 53. The 1954 constitution is also known as _______________
  • 54. Nigeria became independent on _______________
A) October 1st 1960
B) October 1st 1964
C) October 1st 1970
D) October 1st 1963
  • 55. The Bambara address the Fulani as _______________
  • 56. How many major trends characterized the strength of Nationalistic spirit?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 4
  • 57. The second amalgamation was _______________
  • 58. When did the Trans- Atlantic Slave trade got to maturity?
A) 17th century
B) 16th century
C) 21st century
D) 18th century
  • 59. When was the first ever amalgamation of the British in Nigeria?
A) May 1906 Amalgamation
B) June 1537 Amalgamation
C) August 1987 Amalgamation
D) December 1996 Amalgamation
  • 60. The head of Aku Uka's Council was _______________
  • 61. What are the Igbo predominant occupation?
A) Farmers and bricklayers
B) Politician and Traders
C) Farmers and traders
D) Pastors and imams
  • 62. Which one of these is socio-political organization of the traditional Igbo?
A) Class mate
B) chieftaincy grade
C) age grade
D) none of the options
  • 63. Which tribe did the Jukun people raid as reported by the Kano chronicle?
A) Hausa land and Borno
B) Igbo land and Niger
C) Yoruba land
D) Igbo land
  • 64. What was the composition of the army in traditional Yoruba society?
A) Infantry and calvary
B) Civilians
C) Old people
D) Only Calvary
  • 65. How many distinct classes were the Bini society classified?
A) Igbo and Yoruba
B) The nobility and the commoner
C) The uzama
D) The methodology and the foreigner
  • 66. What kind of animal did Bayajida kill while he was in Daura?
  • 67. How many divisions were army divided in the traditional Kanem- Bornu?
A) A home division and a bush garrison
B) A socialization and a bush attach
C) A catch up engagement
D) A team up firework
  • 68. What is another name of the Jukun?
A) Osun
B) Ominifafa
C) Kwararafa
D) Ibadan
  • 69. What is the rank of Achuwo?
A) Prime Minister
B) Senator
C) Vice President
D) President
  • 70. When was the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) emerged in Nigeria?
A) 2001
B) 1524
C) 1882
D) 1936
  • 71. When did Chief Awolowo later join the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM)?
A) 1937
B) 1997
C) 1953
D) 1964
  • 72. What is called God by the Esan?
A) Osonobua
B) Oghena
C) Olodumare
D) Osenebua
  • 73. What name do the Fulanis call themselves?
A) Foolani
B) Fufuk
C) Fulbes
D) Fiks
  • 74. What language is the Fulani speaks?
A) Egba
B) Yoruba
C) Fulfulde
D) Fullfulden
  • 75. The Yorubas can be found majorly in __________states in Nigeria
  • 76. most Yoruba ethnic group are_______________ to the core
  • 77. Yoruba and the__________________ have similarities in terms of religious observances, works of arts, burial and other traditional practices
  • 78. _____________is believed to be the first leader that led the Yoruba to Ile-Ife
  • 79. ________________is believed to be the centre from which the world was created
  • 80. Oduduwa seized the symbol of authority from ___________(while drunk) and eventually led the party to the world.
  • 81. The Benin Kingdom exchange ambassadors with the Portuguese between ______ and ___________
A) 1482 and 1506
B) 1487 and 1509
C) 1486 and 1503
D) 1481 and 1504
  • 82. According to Bini mythology, Bini was the youngest child of___________
A) Osanobua
B) Igbodo
C) Ogiso
D) Owodo
  • 83. The last Ogiso was ______________
  • 84. ___________is the youngest son of Ekaladeran
  • 85. _______________is the capital of Itsekiri Kingdom
A) Ode Itsekiri
B) Ede Itsekiri
C) Odele Itsekiri
D) Odu Itsekiri
  • 86. The Urhobo people originated from the________________
  • 87. The Urhobo people have never established a single Kingdom. True or false?
  • 88. There are____ major ethnic groups in Northern Nigeria.
A) 6
B) 10
C) 5
D) 8
  • 89. By the year 2000, the Hausa population was estimated at_________
A) About twenty million
B) About thirty million
C) About twenty-twoy billion
D) About forty million
  • 90. Bayajida had a son named______________
A) Banku
B) Daura
C) Bawo
D) Magaji
  • 91. Sarkin Kasar means_______________
A) ruler of the slaves
B) ruler of the people
C) ruler of the land
D) ruler of chiefs
  • 92. __________was the highest authority in the Kanem Bornu political structure
A) The Bawo
B) The Sarkin
C) The Madawaki
D) The Mai
  • 93. The Queen Mother of the kanem bornu was called__________
  • 94. The council of the twelve is also called the_____________
  • 95. Tsoede is also known as ________________ an
A) Bini Prince
B) Igala Prince
C) Idah Prince
D) Igede Prince
  • 96. Some scholars argue that the Igala are of a _____________extraction
  • 97. ___________introduced the “Gun-boat” politics
  • 98. Action Group (AG) was founded in _______
A) 1936
B) 1948
C) 1956
D) 1940
  • 99. ______________ remains the cornerstone of the Nigerian constitution till date
A) None of the options
B) Lyttleton Constitution of 1954
C) The Richards Constitution of 1946
D) The McPherson constitution of 1951
  • 100. ___________is well known as the bride of the seas
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