• 1. Each Algorithm begins with a ___.
A) Condition
B) Return Statement
C) Parameter
D) Header
  • 2. Parameters can be passed by___.
A) Reference
B) Value
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
  • 3. An array is a ___ sequence.
A) Homosequence
B) Heterogeneous
C) Homogeneous
D) Assorted
  • 4. A C Structure or User defined data type is also called.?
A) Secondary data type
B) Derived data type
C) All the above
D) Aggregate data type
  • 5. The total number of comparisons in bubble sort is?
A) O (2n)
B) O (n2)
C) O (nlogn)
D) None of the above
  • 6. In Linked List there are no NULL links in?
A) None of the above
B) Single Linked List
C) Circular Linked List
D) Double Linked List
  • 7. Convert into prefix notation: A * B + C / D
A) + * A / B C D
B) + * A B / C D
C) None of the above
D) + * A B C D /
  • 8. Choose a correct statement about C String. char ary[]="Hello..!";
A) Character array, ary is a string
B) Character array, ary is a string
C) String can not contain special characters.
D) String size is not mentioned
  • 9. What is the Format specifier used to print a String or Character array in C Printf or Scanf function.?
A) %w
B) %c
C) %s
D) %C
  • 10. A function which calls itself is called a ___ function.
A) Recursive Function
B) Static Function
C) Auto Function
D) Self Function
  • 11. Identify wrong C Keywords below.
A) break, else, long, switch
B) char, extern, intern, return
C) auto, double, int, struct
D) case, enum, register, typedef
  • 12. Find a correct C Keyword below
A) breaker
B) go to
C) shorter
D) default
  • 13. Choose a correct statement about C format Specifiers
A) %c prints unsigned or signed character constants.
B) All the above
C) %s prints string constants
D) %l or %L prints long constants.
  • 14. An array Index starts with.?
A) [ ]
B) 0
C) 1
D) -1
  • 15. What is the output of C Program.? int main() { int a[] = {1,2,3,4}; int b[4] = {5,6,7,8}; printf("%d,%d", a[0], b[0]); }
A) 2,6
B) Compiler error
C) 0,0
D) 1,5
  • 16. 8) What is the output of C Program.? int main() { char grade[] = {'A','B','C'}; printf("GRADE=%c, ", *grade); printf("GRADE=%d", grade); }
A) Compiler error
B) GRADE=A, GRADE=some address of array
C) GRADE=some address of array, GRADE=A
  • 17. What is the output of Bitwise OR operation | on (0110 | 1100).?
A) 1100
B) 1110
C) 1000
D) 1001
  • 18. Left Shift operation is equivalent to.?
A) adding 2
B) Multiplying by 2
C) Division by 2
D) Subtracting 2
  • 19. What is the another name for .C file.?
A) Executable code
B) Source Code
C) Distributable Code
D) Macro Code
  • 20. What are the C functions used to read or write a file in Text Mode.?
A) read(), write()
B) fread(), fwrite()
C) fprint(), fscan()
D) fprintf(), fscanf()
  • 21. Who is the father of C language?
A) James Gosling
B) Narendra modi
C) Rasmus Lerdorf
D) Dennis Ritchie
  • 22. The standard header _______ is used for variable list arguments (…) in C.
A) <math.h>
B) <stdio.h >
C) <stdarg.h>
D) <stdlib.h>
  • 23. Which of the following return-type cannot be used for a function in C?
A) none of the mentioned
B) void
C) char *
D) struct
  • 24. Process of inserting an element in stack is called ____________
A) Create
B) Process of inserting an element in stack is called ____________
C) Pop
D) Evaluation
  • 25. A normal queue, if implemented using an array of size MAX_SIZE, gets full when?
A) Rear = front
B) Rear = MAX_SIZE – 1
C) Front = rear + 1
D) Front = MAX_SIZE – 1
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