History of the Constitution of the Roman Republic
  • 1. When was the Roman Republic founded?
A) 121 AD
B) 27 BC
C) 509 BC
D) 476 AD
  • 2. Which document established the political structure of the Roman Republic?
A) The Twelve Tables
B) The Magna Carta
C) The Aeneid
D) The Justinian Code
  • 3. How long was the term of a Roman consul?
A) 1 year
B) 10 years
C) 4 years
D) 5 years
  • 4. Which class of citizens had the most political power in the Roman Republic?
A) Women
B) Slaves
C) Plebeians
D) Patricians
  • 5. Who could hold the position of a Roman censor?
A) Former consuls
B) Foreign ambassadors
C) Plebeian tribunes
D) Slave owners
  • 6. Which ancient Roman general declared himself dictator for life, leading to the end of the Roman Republic?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Augustus
C) Mark Antony
D) Cicero
  • 7. What was the official currency of the Roman Republic?
A) Sestertius
B) Denarius
C) Aureus
D) Solidus
  • 8. What body comprised the lower house of the Roman Republic's legislative assembly?
A) Patrician Council
B) Plebeian Council
C) Tribal Assembly
D) Senate
  • 9. What term describes the period of peace and stability that marked the early Roman Empire?
A) Romanus Pacis
B) Imperium Pax
C) Augustus Peace
D) Pax Romana
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