Child and adult
  • 1. Teacher A recently had passed the Licensure Examinations for Teachers. Which among these characteristics of a professional teacher is being met?
A) possesses reputation
B) possesses dignity
C) duly licensed professionals
D) all of these
  • 2. When the neighbors are asked about how Teacher B deals with her neighbors, they all mentioned positive results. Which among these characteristics of a professional teacher is being met?
A) possesses dignity
B) duly licensed professionals
C) possesses reputation
D) all of these
  • 3. Teacher C is proud that she is a teacher. She also encourages the learners to become teachers if they want to. Which among these characteristics of a professional teacher is being met?
A) possesses reputation
B) all of these
C) duly licensed professionals
D) possesses dignity
  • 4. Based on RA 4670, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, what is the minimum educational qualification for teachers in the kindergarten and elementary grades?
A) Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
B) Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education
C) Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent with a major and a minor
D) master's degree with a specific area of specialization
  • 5. Based on RA 4670, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, what is the minimum educational qualification for teachers in secondary schools?
A) Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent with a major and a minor
B) Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education
C) Either Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent with a major and a minor or Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
D) Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
  • 6. Based on RA 4670, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, what is the minimum educational qualification for teachers of courses on the collegiate level?
A) Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education
B) Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
C) master's degree with a specific area of specialization
  • 7. Your friend shares that he wanted to teach Grade 5 learners. What course will you recommend him to take?
A) Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
B) Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education
C) Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent with a major and a minor
  • 8. Ana has already graduated her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. She wants to teach high school learners. Which of these courses will you suggest her to take?
A) Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with at least eighteen professional units in Education
B) Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education
C) master's degree with a specific area of specialization
  • 9. Which of the following is a positive quality of a teacher as a person?
A) Assumes ownership for the classroom and the students' success
B) Understands feelings of students
C) All of these
D) Uses personal experiences as examples in teaching
  • 10. Which of the following is considered a RED FLAG quality of a teacher as a person?
A) Admits to mistakes and corrects them immediately
B) Believes that teaching is just a job
C) Dresses appropriately for the position
  • 11. Which of the following is considered a RED FLAG quality of a teacher as a person?
A) Conducts one-on-one conversations with students
B) Communicates high expectations consistently
C) Expresses bias (positive or negative) with regard to students
  • 12. Which of the following is a positive quality of a teacher as a person?
A) Responds to students with respect, even in difficult situations
B) Demeans or ridicules students
C) Has parents complaining about what is going on in the classroom
  • 13. Which of the following is a positive quality of a teacher as a person?
A) Lacks conflict resolution skills
B) Enjoys teaching and expects students to enjoy learning
C) Does not accept responsibility for what occurs in the classroom
  • 14. Which of the following is a positive quality of a teacher along classroom management and organization?
A) Maintains a physical environment where instructional materials and equipment are in good repair
B) Manages student behavior through clear expectations and firm and consistent responses to student actions
C) All of these
  • 15. Which of the following is considered a RED FLAG quality of a teacher along classroom management and organization?
A) Arranges desks and chairs in rows facing forward (without regrouping)
B) Emphasizes students addressing one another in a positive and respectful manner
C) Manages classroom procedures to facilitate smooth transitions
  • 16. Which of the following is considered a RED FLAG quality of a teacher along classroom management and organization?
A) Lists rules and consequences for negative behaviors (teacher formulated)
B) Shows evidence of established student routines
C) Provides positive reinforcement and feedback
  • 17. Which of the following is a positive quality of a teacher along classroom management and organization?
A) All of these
B) Emphasizes students addressing one another in a positive and respectful manner
C) Emphasizes students addressing one another in a positive and respectful manner
  • 18. Which of the following qualities can make Teacher F ineffective in her teaching?
A) Is unavailable outside of class for students
B) All of these
C) Complains inappropriately about all the administrative details that must be done before class begins
  • 19. Teacher G asks the learners to recite and participate in the class. She also calls those learners who are not participating to express themselves. Which among these qualities is highlighted in the given situation?
A) Maximizes the physical aspect of the environment
B) Manages emergency situations as they oceur
C) Encourages interactions and allows low hum of conversations about activities or tasks
  • 20. Teacher O makes sure that before the class begins, all the chairs are in good arrangement, lights and electric fans are in good working condition. Which among these qualities is being exhibited by the teacher?
A) Maximizes the physical aspect of the environment
B) Maintains acceptable personal work space
C) Manages emergeney situations as they occur
  • 21. Teacher P has undergone training on first aid. Which among these qualities is being exhibited by the teacher?
A) Encourages interactions and allows low hum of conversations about activities or tasks
B) Manages emergency situations as they occur D. Maintains acceptable personal work space
C) Manages emergency situations as they occur
  • 22. Teacher R always have her prepared daily lesson plan whenever she teaches her class. Which among these qualities is being exhibited by the teacher?
A) Lesson plans are written for every school day
B) Student assessment and diagnostic data are available
C) Students know the daily plan because an agenda of objectives and activities are given
  • 23. Teacher Q lets the learners know about the objectives for the day's lesson. Which among these qualities is being exhibited by the teacher?
A) Assessment data and pretest results are included in the preparation 24. of lesson plans
B) Student assessment and diagnostic data are available
C) Students know the daily plan because an agenda of objectives and activities are given
  • 24. What is being used to test the level of competitiveness of a teacher?
A) Assessment
C) Lesson plan
  • 25. What focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful models and values in teaching different efforts to learn students?
A) Learning Environment
B) Social Regard for Learning
C) Diversity of Learners
  • 26. What domain is realized when the teachers identify and respect individual differences in the classroom?
A) Curriculum
B) Learning Environment
C) Diversity of Learners
  • 27. What refers to all the elements of the teaching-learning process?
A) Curriculum
B) Social regard of learning
C) Diversity of learning
  • 28. Which does NOT belong to the 21st century skills?
A) Social skills
B) Information, media and technology skills
C) Communication skills
  • 29. Which of these is an example of communication skills?
A) Creativity
B) Multi cultural literacy
C) Collaboration
  • 30. Which of these is an example of life and career skills?
A) Collaboration
B) Flexibility and adaptability
C) Creativity
  • 31. Which of these is NOT a quality of a global teacher?
A) Creative and innovative
B) Understand, respect and be tolerant of the diversity of cultures
C) Recognizes that the world has only one form of life
  • 32. Which of these is NOT a quality of a global teacher?
A) Facilitates traditional-mediated learning
B) possesses good communication skills
C) has depth of knowledge
  • 33. Application of content within and across curriculum is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Content knowledge pedagogy
B) Assessment and reporting
C) Curriculum and planning
  • 34. Participation of teachers in any collegial discussions is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Assessment and reporting
B) Curriculum and planning
C) Content knowledge and pedagogy
  • 35. Preparation of summative test of a teacher is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Content knowledge and pedagogy
B) Curriculum and planing
C) Assessment and reporting
  • 36. Preparation of progress report of learners is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Content knowledge pedagogy
B) Assessment and reporting
C) Curriculum and planning
  • 37. Conduct of homeroom PTA meeting by the teacher is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Content pedagogy
B) Assessment and reporting
C) Curriculum and planing
  • 38. Preparation of powerpoint presentation is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Curriculum and planing
B) Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners
C) Assessment and reporting
  • 39. Development of detailed lesson plan is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Assessment and reporting
B) Curriculum and planing
C) Content knowledge and pedagogy
  • 40. Involvement of a teacher in a particular committee is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Curriculum and planing
B) Plus Factor
C) Content knowledge and pedagogy
  • 41. A teacher who coaches a learner in preparation for the regional competition is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Content knowledge pedagogy
B) Curriculum and Planning
C) Plus factor
  • 42. A teacher who utilizes different methods of teaching is under what Key Result Area (KRA) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A) Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners
B) Curriculum planning
C) Plus factor
  • 43. In this phase of Results-based Performance Management System for Teachers, the rater and ratee meet and agree on the target accomplishments at the beginning of school year.
A) Performance Monitoring and Coaching
B) Performance Planning and Commitment
C) Performance Review and Evaluation
  • 44. In this phase of Results-based Performance Management System for Teachers, the ratee presents his or her final performance portfolio for evaluation and rating.
A) Performance planning and commitment
B) Performance Review and Evaluation
C) Performance Monitoring and Coaching
  • 45. Who among these teachers provide various learning opportunities for the learners?
A) Teachers A and B only.
B) Teacher C gives the lecture.
C) Teacher A gives the tasks to the group leaders.
  • 46. Who among these teachers is NOT considered facilitator of learning?
A) Teacher B provides the learners tasks to accomplish.
B) Teachers A and B only.
C) Teacher A gives the tasks to the group leaders.
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