- 1. Clear Light of Day, a novel by Anita Desai, intricately weaves the complexities of familial relationships and the bittersweet memories of childhood against the backdrop of post-colonial India. Set in the city of Delhi, the narrative revolves around the lives of the Das family, particularly focusing on the two sisters, Bimla (Bim) and Tara, whose paths diverge over the years but remain inextricably linked by their shared past. The story unfolds through the lens of Bim, who has taken on the role of caretaker for their aging and ailing father, juxtaposed against Tara's more liberated and conventional life in the West. Desai's prose captures the essence of time, exploring themes of nostalgia, identity, and the impact of historical change on personal lives. The novel delves into the emotional landscape of its characters, revealing their inner struggles, regrets, and reconciliations as they navigate the lingering influence of their upbringing and the shadows of their family's history. With rich imagery and deep psychological insight, Clear Light of Day offers a poignant meditation on the nature of love, loss, and the inexorable passage of time.
Who is the main character of 'Clear Light of Day'?
A) Tara B) Dr. Bakshi C) Bimla D) Bakha
- 2. What city is the setting of the novel?
A) Chennai B) Delhi C) Kolkata D) Mumbai
- 3. Which major historical event is referenced in the novel?
A) Partition of India B) World War II C) Independence Movement D) Emergency 1975
- 4. What theme is central to the novel?
A) Family dynamics B) Adventure C) Science fiction D) Fantasy
- 5. What is Bimla's relationship to Tara?
A) Sister B) Mother C) Friend D) Cousin
- 6. What does the 'clear light of day' symbolize?
A) Confusion B) Truth and clarity C) Danger D) Ignorance
- 7. What is the significance of the house in the story?
A) A vacation home B) A place of business C) A symbol of family history D) A site of conflict
- 8. What does Bimla struggle with throughout the novel?
A) Her sense of identity B) Financial issues C) Health problems D) Career choices
- 9. What does Bimla think about marriage?
A) She desires it greatly B) She thinks it is old-fashioned C) She sees it as essential D) She is skeptical of it