Solar System Vocabulary Test
__1. galaxyA. round object that circles the Earth and relects sunlight
__2. gasesB. a large sphere that moves around the Sun
__3. moonC. any shape of the moon that we see
__4. phaseD. to spin or turn
__5. planetE. to move around another object in a circular path
__6. revolveF. a hot glowing ball of gases
__7. rotateG. tool that makes far away objects appear larger and closer
__8. starH. one of the very large groups of stars found in the universe
__9. telescopeI. everything that is part of space including stars and planets
__10. universeJ. have no definite shape or volume
__11. depthsA. matter that has a definite shape and volume
__12. moltenB. the outside or top of something
__13. orbitC. a vehicle that travels to outer space
__14. particlesD. tiny bits of something
__15. solidsE. the paths an object takes as it moves around another object
__16. spacecraftF. melted by heat
__17. surfaceG. the deepest part of something
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