Decimals 1. 3 + 4.7 = Hint: Do you see any whole numbers? Put a decimal at the end of them. Decimals 2. 43.92 + 7.2 = Decimals 3. 52 - 42.8 = Decimals 4. 50 - 1.8 = + 5. Fractions 9 3 5 12 3 4 2 3 6. Fractions + 16 8 7 30 5 6 5 2 7. Fractions - 1 3 5 4 3 4 8. Fractions - 4 2 7 24 2 3 8 1 Integers 9. -3 + -7 = Integers 10. -4 - (-5) = Integers 11. 4 - (-3) = All together Decimals w/integer rules
12. -12.5 + 7 = All together Decimals w/integer rules
13. -5 + 3.27 = All together Decimals w/integer rules
14. -5 - (-7.32) = All together Decimals w/integer rules
15. -7 + -3.45 = All together Decimals w/integer rules
16. -9 + -3.25 = All together Decimals w/integer rules
17. -3.45 + -8.57 = All together Fractions w/ integer rules 18. 4 2 3 - - 1 3 5 = 6 15 All together Fractions w/ integer rules 19. -8 1 4 + 5 3 5 = -2 20 All together Fractions w/ integer rules 20 -5 1 4 - - 3 4 7 = -1 28 All together Fractions w/ integer rules 21. -3 1 2 - 2 3 5 = -6 10 Record the right answer for any missed. Tonight work to the right answer. |