- 1. Strong Poison, written by Dorothy L. Sayers and first published in 1930, is a captivating detective novel that features the brilliant amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey as he embarks on a complex investigation surrounding the mysterious poisoning of a prominent figure. The story begins with the trial of Harriet Vane, a successful crime novelist who is accused of murdering her former lover, a prominent man in literary circles, with arsenic-laced chocolates. As the courtroom drama unfolds, Wimsey becomes increasingly fascinated by Vane's intellect and grace, ultimately believing in her innocence and the possibility of her being framed. Sayers masterfully weaves themes of love, justice, and the moral dilemmas of the legal system into a rich narrative that blends both romance and intrigue. Set against the backdrop of British society in the 1930s, the novel intricately explores the complexities of relationships, the nature of guilt, and the societal expectations of women, particularly in the realm of crime and punishment. Strong Poison is not just a conventional whodunit; it is also a poignant exploration of human connections, making it a timeless classic within the genre.
Who is the protagonist investigating the murder in 'Strong Poison'?
A) Hercule Poirot B) Sherlock Holmes C) Miss Marple D) Lord Peter Wimsey
- 2. What is the name of the victim in 'Strong Poison'?
A) Miss Climpson B) Harriet Vane C) Lord Peter D) Philip Boyes
- 3. Which crime is central to the plot?
A) Robbery B) Fraud C) Kidnapping D) Murder
- 4. What kind of poison was used in the murder?
A) Digitalis B) Cyanide C) Strychnine D) Arsenic
- 5. Who is accused of the murder?
A) Harriet Vane B) Philip Boyes C) Miss Climpson D) Lord Peter Wimsey
- 6. What is Harriet Vane's profession?
A) Journalist B) Poet C) Artist D) Novelist
- 7. What is Lord Peter Wimsey's title?
A) Duke B) Earl C) Viscount D) Baron
- 8. What relationship develops between Lord Peter and Harriet?
A) Brotherly B) Romantic C) Professional D) Antagonistic