G5 Science Ch 3 Respiratory System
__1. Air sacsA. Sticky think fluid that traps dust, germs, and other things.
__2. BronchiB. tube that carries air from larynx to lungs.
__3. BronchiolesC. two branches from the trachea that go into the lungs.
__4. CiliaD. Where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves.
__5. DiaphragmE. In the lungs, these tubes branch into smaller tubes.
__6. LarynxF. These warm and moisten the air that we breathe in.
__7. MucusG. Carries gases between the outside air and your blood
__8. Respiratory SystemH. Vocal chords are two structures stretching arose the ______.
__9. SinusI. A muscle that contracts and relaxes to push air in and out.
__10. TracheaJ. Tiny hairlike structures that help clean the air you breathe
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