• 1. Who integrated the idea of Plato in Christianity
A) St. Augustine
B) Socrates
C) Aristotle
D) Plato
  • 2. said that the body and the soul are not separated but are one thing
A) Decartes
B) Aristotle
C) Socrates
D) Plato
  • 3. believe in the existence of mind and soul.
A) Plato
B) Decartes
C) Aristotle
D) Socrates
  • 4. father of modern philosophy
A) Plato
B) Decartes
C) Thomas Aquinas
D) Aristotle
  • 5. said that the soul strives for Wisdom/Perfection. Said that unexamined life is not worth living.
A) Aristotle
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Socrates
D) Plato
  • 6. first philosopher
A) Tales
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Plato
D) Aristotle
  • 7. a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female reproductive organ so that penetration is painful or impossible
A) Vaginismus
B) Ovulation detection
C) Vaginal ring
D) Basal body temperature
  • 8. not involve any chemical or foreign body introduction into the human body.
A) Abstinence
B) Calendar method
C) Basal body temperature
D) Natural method
  • 9. involves refraining from sexual intercourse.
A) Calendar method
B) Natural method
C) Basal body temperature
D) Abstinence
  • 10. This method is also called as the rhythm method.
A) Basal body temperature
B) Natural method
C) Symptothermal method
D) Calendar method
  • 11. indicates the woman's temperature at rest. Before the day of ovulation and during ovulation
A) Ovulation detection
B) Abstinence
C) Oral contraceptives
D) Basal body temperature
  • 12. combination of the BBT method and the cervical mucus method.
A) Calendar method
B) Symptothermal method
C) Natural method
  • 13. uses an over-the-counter kit that requires the urine sample of the woman.
A) Basal body temperature
B) Oral contraceptives
C) Transdermal patch
D) Ovulation detection
  • 14. oldest method that prevents conception, but the man withdraws the moment.
A) Hormonal injection
B) Transdermal patch
C) Oral contraceptives
D) Coitus interrupts
  • 15. contains medroxyprogesterone, a progesterone.
A) Hormonal injection
B) Transdermal patch
C) Coitus interrupts
D) Ovulation detection
  • 16. T-shaped object containing progesterone.
A) Intrauterine device
B) Chemical barriers
C) Cervical cup
  • 17. glycerin films are used to cause the death of sperms before they can enter the cervix.
A) Hormonal injection
B) Chemical barriers
C) Intrauterine device
  • 18. is made of soft rubber and fitted on the rim of the cervix.
A) Cervical cup
B) Chemical barriers
C) Intrauterine device
  • 19. parents and siblings hold another great important part of our self.
A) Home
B) Spiritual self
C) Immediate family
  • 20. where our heart is. It is the earliest nest of our selfhood
A) Spiritual self
B) Home
C) Immediate family
  • 21. most intimate inner subjective part of self
A) Spiritual self
B) Home
C) Immediate family
  • 22. the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
A) Ritual
B) Religion
C) Region
  • 23. is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law.
A) Religion
B) Spiritual
C) Ritual
  • 24. believes that life is not a bed of roses. Instead, there are suffering, pain, and frustrations.
A) Judaism
B) Buddhism
C) Christianity
D) Islam
  • 25. holy scripture of Buddhism
A) Tripitaka
B) Vipassana
C) Rabbi
D) Vedas
  • 26. There is no single founder or leader believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by Karma.
A) Judaism
B) Christianity
C) Islam
D) Hinduism
  • 27. sacred book of Hinduism
A) Tripitaka
B) Vedas
C) Rabbi
  • 28. believe in the God of Abraham, the same God that liberated the Hebrew slaves from Egypt to Canaan. They believe in God of Abraham; they believe in coming of messiah.
A) Islam
B) Christianity
C) Hinduism
D) Judaism
  • 29. preacher of Judaism
A) Vedas
B) Rabbi
C) Tripitaka
  • 30. is practiced as mindfulness of breathing and development of loving kindness.
A) Vipassana
B) Samatha
C) Navrati
  • 31. is the Festival of Lights
A) Hajj
B) Sawn
C) Diwali
  • 32. the festival of nine nights, which celebrates of triumph of good over evil.
A) Navrati
B) Vipassana
C) Rabbi
D) Hajj
  • 33. Muslims believe in Allah, who is their "One God.
A) Islam
B) Hinduism
C) Judaism
  • 34. statement of faith: "There is no God but the one true God and Mohammed is his messenger”
A) Zakat
B) Shahadah
C) Zakat
D) Salat
  • 35. prayer that is practiced five times a day.
A) Sawn
B) Salat
C) Zakat
D) Hajj
  • 36. monetary offering for the benefit of the poor.
A) Sakat
B) Zakat
C) Salat
  • 37. yearly pilgrimage to Mecca.
A) Sawn
B) Hajj
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Yom kippur
  • 38. The fasting. Muslims do fasting.
A) Yom kippur
B) Rosh Hashanah
C) Sawn
  • 39. Passover
A) Pesach
B) Pesach
C) Shavuot
D) Sukkot
  • 40. Pentecost
A) Sukkot
B) Pesach
C) Shavuot
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 41. Filipinos welcome their guests and tourists as if they are their own brothers and sisters;
A) Hospitality
B) Close family ties
C) Bayanihan
D) Respect for elders
  • 42. Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing
A) Cheerful Personality
B) Crab mentality
C) Close family ties
  • 43. They wish comfort and better lives for their loved ones and would even go to the extent of working abroad hundreds of miles away to earn more money and save up for them
A) Self-sacrifice
B) Bahala na
C) Crab mentality
D) Bayanihan filipino time
  • 44. the spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos.
A) Bayanihan
B) Cheerful Personality
C) Bahala na
D) Self-sacrifice
  • 45. Is regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor foreign products more than their own
A) Crab mentality
B) Colontial Mentality
C) Cheerful Personality
D) Self-sacrifice
  • 46. toxic trait among Filipinos where one resents the achievement of another.
A) Bayanihan
B) Self-sacrifice
C) Crab mentality
D) Colontial Mentality
  • 47. Filipinos have this common attitude of arriving late at commitments
A) Filipino time
B) Bahala na
C) Superstition
D) Bayanihan
  • 48. sayings that convey lessons and reflections on Filipino practices, beliefs, and traditions.
A) Proverbs
B) Crab mentality
C) Colontial Mentality
D) Superstition
  • 49. is the process of controlling how one is perceived by other people and is the key to relationship inception and development.
A) Self-preservation
B) Superstition
C) Proverbs
  • 50. compulsively checking newsfeed and continually adding tweets and posting in order to appear active and interested
A) Fear Of Missing out
B) Disinhibition Effect
C) Self preservation
  • 51. biological state that corresponds to what we might call a man or a woman.
A) Gender
B) Sex
C) Gender
  • 52. individual expression and understanding.
A) Sex
B) Gender
C) Sexuality
  • 53. Thinking about thinking
A) Self -management
B) Metacognition
C) Self -appraisal
  • 54. is the mental process you employ using what you have in planning and adapting to successfully learn or accomplish a certain task
A) Personal variable
B) Self -appraisal
C) Self -management
D) Metacognition
  • 55. Personal variable is your evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses in learning .
A) Personal variable
B) Task variable is
C) Task variable
D) Strategy variable
  • 56. Is what you know or what you think about the nature of the task as well as what strategies the task requires
A) Strategy variable
B) Task variable
C) Personal variable
  • 57. Refers to what strategies or skills you have already have in dealing with certain task
A) Task variable
B) Strategy variable
C) Personal variable
  • 58. looks at the scope and limitations of your resources so that you can work.
A) Modifying your approach
B) Knowing Your Limits
C) Skimming
D) Self-test
  • 59. browsing over a material and keeping an eye on keywords, phrases or sentence
A) Rehearsing
B) Skimming
C) Self test
  • 60. test your comprehension of your learning experience or the skills you have acquired during learning.
A) Skimming
B) Self test
C) Rehearsing
  • 61. are unaware of their metacognitive processes although they know the extent of their knowledge.
A) Tacit learners
B) Aware learners
C) Strategic learners
  • 62. strategize and plan their course
A) Strategic learners
B) Aware learners
C) Reflective learners
  • 63. Who introduced about self efficacy
A) Edwin A. Locke
B) Albert E. Bandura
C) Carol S. Dweck
  • 64. Individuals dread failure because it is negative statement on their basic abilities.
A) Fixed mindset
B) Growth mindset
C) Goal attribute
  • 65. people who believe that success is based on handwork, learning, training and perspectives have growth theory of intelligence.
A) Fixed mindset
B) Goal attributes
C) Growth mindset
  • 66. known for his goal setting.
A) Albert E. Bandura
B) Edwin A. Locke
C) Carol S. Dweck
  • 67. unpleasant or harmful variety of stress, which often connotes disease
A) Distress
B) Eustress
C) Stress diseases
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