Little buttonquail
  • 1. What is the scientific name of the Little buttonquail?
A) Coturnix japonica
B) Falco peregrinus
C) Gallus gallus
D) Turnix velox
  • 2. What is the diet of Little buttonquails primarily composed of?
A) Nectar
B) Meat
C) Seeds and insects
D) Fish
  • 3. What is the mating system of Little buttonquails?
A) Polygamous
B) Solitary
C) Promiscuous
D) Monogamous
  • 4. What is the average lifespan of a Little buttonquail in the wild?
A) 1 year
B) 2-3 years
C) 8-10 years
D) 5-7 years
  • 5. What is the predominant color of the plumage of Little buttonquails?
A) Blue
B) Brown
C) Red
D) Yellow
  • 6. Which family do Little buttonquails belong to?
A) Accipitridae
B) Turnicidae
C) Columbidae
D) Phasianidae
  • 7. How do Little buttonquails communicate with each other?
A) Soft calls and whistles
B) Flapping wings
C) Drumming on the ground
D) Loud screeches
  • 8. What is the social structure of a group of Little buttonquails called?
A) Covey
B) Pod
C) Flock
D) Herd
  • 9. What is a major threat to the survival of Little buttonquails?
A) Climate change
B) Predation by hawks
C) Habitat loss
D) Pollution
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