AP Language & Composition: Common Rhetorical Terms
__1. AllegoryA. The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun.
__2. AllusionB. An indirect reference
__3. AntecedentC. Word choice
__4. AphorismD. Ordinary or familiar conversation
__5. ColloquialismE. The literal or explicit meaning of a word
__6. ConnotationF. The diction used by a certain group or profession
__7. DenotationG. Emotional association with a word
__8. DictionH. fiction, nonfiction or poetry that teaches a lesson/moral
__9. DidacticI. Story in which characters, objects and events are symbolic
__10. JargonJ. "God helps those who help themselves."
__11. EllipsisA. A more agreeable, less offensive substitute of words/phrases
__12. EuphemismB. The deliberate omission of a word or phrase
__13. ImageryC. Replacing a word/idea with a related concept
__14. IronyD. A kind of metonymy when a whole is represented by its parts
__15. JuxtapositionE. A word/words used to create a picture in the reader's mind
__16. MetonymyF. When what happens is not what is expected
__17. MoodG. atmosphere created in a text and accomplished by diction
__18. MotifH. A recurrent idea in a piece of literature/text
__19. OxymoronI. Placing things side by side for the purposes of comparison
__20. SynecdocheJ. When two contradictory terms are placed together as truth
__21. ChiasmusA. Sentence construction of equal grammatical patterns nearby
__22. ParadoxB. When the same words are used twice, but reversed
__23. ParallelismC. A seemingly contradictory situation appearing true
__24. PolysyndetonD. A list of items separated by conjunctions
__25. StyleE. Choices in diction, tone, and syntax that a writer makes
__26. ThemeF. The central idea or message of a work
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