The Virgin Mary
  • 1. Who is considered the Mother of Jesus Christ?
A) Eve
B) Mother Teresa
C) Mary Magdalene
D) Virgin Mary
  • 2. Which event is celebrated as the conception of Mary without original sin?
A) Assumption
B) Nativity
C) Immaculate Conception
D) Annunciation
  • 3. What is the traditional color associated with the Virgin Mary?
A) Yellow
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Red
  • 4. Who announced to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son named Jesus?
A) Angel Gabriel
B) Saint Joseph
C) King Herod
D) Moses
  • 5. Which Christian holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ?
A) Pentecost
B) Christmas
C) Good Friday
D) Easter
  • 6. Where is the House of the Virgin Mary believed to be located?
A) Rome, Italy
B) Jerusalem, Israel
C) Lourdes, France
D) Ephesus, Turkey
  • 7. What is the title given to Mary's ascent into heaven?
A) Assumption
B) Visitation
C) Coronation
D) Ascension
  • 8. Which prayer is known to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary?
A) Nicene Creed
B) Apostles' Creed
C) Hail Mary
D) Our Father
  • 9. Which Marian apparition is associated with the town of Lourdes, France?
A) Our Lady of Guadalupe
B) Our Lady of Knock
C) Our Lady of Fatima
D) Our Lady of Lourdes
  • 10. In Catholic tradition, Mary is referred to as the 'Queen of' what?
A) Angels
B) Heaven
C) Sorrows
D) Earth
  • 11. Which council declared Mary as the 'Mother of God' in 431 AD?
A) First Council of Nicaea
B) Council of Trent
C) Council of Chalcedon
D) Council of Ephesus
  • 12. Which title of Mary emphasizes her humble obedience to God's will?
A) Mother of Mercy
B) Star of the Sea
C) Handmaid of the Lord
D) Queen of Heaven
  • 13. The 'Seven Sorrows of Mary' are traditionally meditated upon during which liturgical season?
A) Lent
B) Advent
C) Christmas
D) Easter
  • 14. Who is the husband of Mary in Christian tradition?
A) Peter
B) Andrew
C) Joseph
D) John
  • 15. Mary is often depicted holding a symbolic flower, what type of flower is usually associated with her?
A) Tulip
B) Rose
C) Lily
D) Daisy
  • 16. According to Catholic teaching, what happened to Mary at the end of her earthly life?
A) Remains on Earth
B) Assumed into Heaven
C) Ascended to Heaven
D) Died and was buried
  • 17. What is the common title for the apparition of Mary to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal?
A) Our Lady of Lourdes
B) Our Lady of Knock
C) Our Lady of Fatima
D) Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • 18. Where was Mary born?
A) Nazareth
B) Bethlehem
C) Jerusalem
D) Capernaum
  • 19. Where was Jesus born according to Christian tradition?
A) Nazareth
B) Jerusalem
C) Egypt
D) Bethlehem
  • 20. Where did Mary and Joseph find the child Jesus after he was missing for three days?
A) Temple
B) Marketplace
C) Garden
D) Synagogue
  • 21. In which gospel do we find the Magnificat, Mary's song of praise?
A) John
B) Luke
C) Matthew
D) Mark
  • 22. Which feast commemorates the visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, where Elizabeth greets her with the words 'Blessed are you among women'?
A) The Visitation
B) The Assumption
C) The Annunciation
D) The Presentation
  • 23. What is Mary's response to the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation?
A) I am not ready
B) Let it be done to me according to your word
C) How can this be?
D) I do not believe you
  • 24. What is the title often used to describe Mary as the 'bearer of God'?
A) Queen of Heaven
B) Mother of Sorrows
C) Theotokos
D) Lady of Lourdes
  • 25. In which city is the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe located?
A) Mexico City
B) Lourdes
C) Rome
D) Jerusalem
  • 26. In which country is the Marian apparition site of Lourdes located?
A) Italy
B) France
C) Spain
D) Brazil
  • 27. Which biblical feast commemorates the announcement to Mary that she would conceive Jesus?
A) The Nativity
B) The Assumption
C) The Annunciation
D) The Visitation
  • 28. To which apostle did Mary, mother of Jesus, appear in a vision in Guadalupe, Mexico?
A) Peter
B) James
C) Juan Diego
D) Paul
  • 29. Who declared Mary's Immaculate Conception as a dogma of the Catholic Church in 1854?
A) Pope Pius IX
B) Pope Benedict XVI
C) Pope John Paul II
D) Pope Francis
  • 30. In which Old Testament book is the prophecy of a virgin giving birth referenced that is associated with the Virgin Mary?
A) Psalms
B) Jeremiah
C) Genesis
D) Isaiah
  • 31. The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico is associated with an image on what type of material?
A) Canvas
B) Stone
C) Wood
D) Tilma
  • 32. What is the traditional month dedicated to devotion to the Virgin Mary?
A) July
B) April
C) May
D) June
  • 33. What is the name of the prayer that recalls the Biblical events in the life of Jesus and Mary?
A) Novena
B) Liturgy of the Hours
C) Adoration
D) Rosary
  • 34. What is the title given to the image of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus?
A) Madonna
B) Matron
C) Saint
D) Queen
  • 35. Where did Mary and Joseph flee to protect Jesus from King Herod's orders to kill all male infants?
A) Greece
B) Egypt
C) Spain
D) Rome
  • 36. What is the name of the event where Mary presented the infant Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem?
A) Nativity
B) Visitation
C) Assumption
D) Presentation
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