- 1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third book in J.K. Rowling's iconic series, follows the beloved young wizard as he embarks on his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This installment delves deeper into the complexities of Harry's past and the darker aspects of the wizarding world, introducing readers to fascinating new characters such as the enigmatic Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, and the fearsome Dementors, who guard the wizard prison of Azkaban. As Harry grapples with the chilling revelations about his family, he navigates the intricacies of friendship with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, while learning to face his fears and embrace his identity. The book enriches the overarching narrative with themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the quest for truth, culminating in a thrilling climax that reveals long-held secrets about Harry's connection to Sirius and the unjust fate of many characters. Rowling masterfully weaves humor, suspense, and moral dilemmas into this captivating tale, making it a cornerstone of the Harry Potter series and a profound exploration of the journey from childhood to adolescence.
Who escapes from Azkaban in this book?
A) Peter Pettigrew B) Remus Lupin C) Bellatrix Lestrange D) Sirius Black
- 2. Who teaches Care of Magical Creatures?
A) Gilderoy Lockhart B) Severus Snape C) Remus Lupin D) Rubeus Hagrid
- 3. What animal is Harry's Patronus?
A) Otter B) Hare C) Stag D) Dog
- 4. What does Hermione use to attend multiple classes at once?
A) Time-Turner B) Sorcerer's Stone C) Muggle clothes D) Invisibility Cloak
- 5. Who is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?
A) Severus Snape B) Gilderoy Lockhart C) Remus Lupin D) Dolores Umbridge
- 6. What is the name of the wizarding prison?
A) Durmstrang B) Azkaban C) Hogwarts D) Hogsmeade
- 7. What do the Dementors feed on?
A) Anger B) Happiness C) Fear D) Love
A) Scabbers B) Hedwig C) Crookshanks D) Fang
- 9. Which character is half-cat, half-kneazle?
A) Crookshanks B) Fang C) Hedwig D) Norbert
- 10. What is the name of the magical map created by Harry's father?
A) The Marauder's Map B) The Wizard's Guide C) The Map of Wonders D) The Enchanted Map
- 11. What is the name of Hagrid's pet spider?
A) Aragog B) Fang C) Norbert D) Buckbeak
- 12. Who does Ron's rat Scabbers turn out to be?
A) Albus Dumbledore B) Sirius Black C) Peter Pettigrew D) Remus Lupin
- 13. What is the name of the school that Harry attends?
A) Durmstrang Institute B) Ilvermorny School C) Beauxbatons Academy D) Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- 14. What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team?
A) Chaser B) Seeker C) Beater D) Keeper