William the Silent leads Dutch in revolt against Hapsburgs
  • 1. Which country did William the Silent help lead in revolt?
A) Netherlands
B) Portugal
C) France
D) Spain
  • 2. When did the Dutch Revolt against the Hapsburgs begin?
A) 1492
B) 1588
C) 1648
D) 1568
  • 3. What was the nickname given to William the Silent?
A) Father of the Fatherland
B) The Great
C) The Conqueror
D) The Sun King
  • 4. How did William the Silent die?
A) Illness
B) Battle
C) Execution
D) Assassination
  • 5. Which term describes the religious conflict that was part of the Dutch Revolt?
A) Napoleonic Wars
B) Eighty Years' War
C) War of the Roses
D) Hundred Years' War
  • 6. Where did William the Silent establish his headquarters during the Dutch Revolt?
A) Amsterdam
B) Brussels
C) Delft
D) Antwerp
  • 7. What title was William the Silent given by the Spanish crown before the revolt?
A) Stadtholder
B) King
C) Emperor
D) Duke
  • 8. Who succeeded William the Silent as the leader of the Dutch Republic?
A) Maurice of Nassau
B) Charles V
C) Henry IV
D) Philip II
  • 9. Which treaty marked the end of the Dutch Revolt?
A) Treaty of Breda
B) Peace of Westphalia
C) Treaty of Nonsuch
D) Treaty of Münster
  • 10. In which year was the Union of Utrecht signed?
A) 1648
B) 1579
C) 1603
D) 1521
  • 11. Which event in the late 16th century contributed to the weakened position of the Spanish Empire in Europe?
A) Defeat of the Spanish Armada
B) Start of the Thirty Years' War
C) Fall of Constantinople
D) Peace of Augsburg
  • 12. Who was the leader of the Spanish forces during the Dutch Revolt?
A) Alexander Farnese
B) Duke of Alba
C) King Philip II
D) Don John of Austria
  • 13. Which monarch of Spain was involved in the conflict with the Dutch during the revolt?
A) Charles V
B) Philip II
C) Philip III
D) Ferdinand II
  • 14. What was the primary method of resistance employed by the Dutch against the Hapsburgs?
A) Naval battles
B) Diplomatic negotiations
C) Guerrilla warfare
D) Siege warfare
  • 15. Which European power supported the Dutch in their revolt against the Hapsburgs?
A) England
B) Spain
C) Portugal
D) France
  • 16. Which religious group was persecuted by the Hapsburgs, leading to their support of the Dutch revolt?
A) Lutherans
B) Anabaptists
C) Anglicans
D) Calvinists
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