Latin America - Culture
  • 1. This are the two most-spoken languages in Latin America.
A) French & Spanish
B) Spanish & Portuguese
C) English & Spanish
D) Portuguese & English
  • 2. people of mixed African (black) and European descent
A) Euro African
B) mulattoes
C) mestizos
D) Indian
  • 3. people of mixed European and Native American descent
A) African
B) mestizos
C) Euro Indian
D) mulattoes
  • 4. major religion of Latin America
A) Methodist
B) Baptist
C) Catholic
D) Lutheran
  • 5. the ability to read and write
A) developed
B) legible
C) literacy
D) developing
  • 6. Why do the people in Brazil speak Portuguese?
A) because they wanted to
B) because the President is from Portugal and he forces the citizens to
C) because Portugal explored, conquered, and settled in Brazil
D) they don't speak Portuguese, they speak French
  • 7. Which European country explored, conquered, and settled in Mexico?
A) Spain
B) Portugal
C) France
D) Italy
  • 8. What language are both Spanish and Portuguese based on?
A) Ancient Latin
B) Ancient English
C) Ancient German
D) Ancient Indian
  • 9. What type of religion is Catholicism?
A) Judaism
B) Buddhist
C) Islam
D) Christianity
  • 10. the economic level achieved by a person, family, or country
A) Standard of Living
B) Gross Domestic Product
C) Graduation Rate
D) Literacy Rate
  • 11. Why do some countries have higher literacy rates for boys than for girls?
A) girls enjoy learning to read and write more than boys do
B) in some places they believe that is is not as important for girls to learn to read and write
C) boys enjoy learning to read and write more than girls
D) in some places girls don't want to learn to read and write
  • 12. An illiterate person is a person that _________________.
A) can read and write
B) cannot read or write
C) works in the oil industry
D) drives a car
  • 13. In Latin America and the Caribbean, people with ______________ background will often have better jobs and more money.
A) African
B) European
C) Indian
D) Asian
  • 14. Central America is a narrow strip of land that connects North America and South America. What geographic term does that describe?
A) Continent
B) Canal
C) Isthmus
D) Strait
  • 15. Using the graph on page 38 of your CRCT workbook - Which Latin American country has similar illiteracy rates for both males and females?
A) Brazil
B) Ecuador
C) Guatemala
D) Mexico
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