- 1. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, written by C. S. Lewis, is the third installment in the beloved Chronicles of Narnia series. In this enchanting tale, we are reunited with familiar characters, including Lucy and Edmund Pevensie, who are joined by their insufferable cousin Eustace Scrubb. The story begins when the three children are magically transported to the majestic world of Narnia, where they find themselves aboard the ship, the Dawn Treader, under the courageous leadership of Prince Caspian. Their quest is to sail across the seas in search of the seven lost Lords of Narnia, who were loyal to Caspian's father. As they journey through uncharted waters, they encounter magical islands teeming with wonders and dangers, including a dragon, a sorcerer, and peculiar creatures that challenge their bravery and character. The adventure is not merely an external journey; it also serves as a profound exploration of personal growth, faith, and redemption, as Eustace grapples with his selfishness and ultimately learns the importance of selflessness and courage. Through beautifully crafted prose, Lewis weaves themes of friendship, belief, and the battle between good and evil, culminating in a thrilling and poignant conclusion that highlights the transformative power of adventure and the eternal hope that lies within the hearts of the characters.
Who are the main characters that board the Dawn Treader?
A) Peter, Susan, and Caspian B) Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace C) Reepicheep, Aslan, and Eustace D) Caspian, Trumpkin, and Lucy
- 2. What does Eustace turn into on the island of the dragon?
A) A dragon B) A unicorn C) A bear D) A snake
- 3. Who is the king of Narnia during the events of the book?
A) King Caspian B) King Tirian C) King Peter D) King Edmund
- 4. What type of creature is Reepicheep?
A) A dwarf B) A faun C) A squirrel D) A mouse
- 5. What does the crew seek on their voyage?
A) The witch's treasure B) The seven lost lords of Narnia C) The magic wardrobe D) The White Witch's spellbook
- 6. What is the name of the ship they sail on?
A) The Starfall B) The Dawn Star C) The Dawn Treader D) The Sea Serpent
- 7. What is the name of the star they meet on their journey?
A) Aslan B) Bree C) Ramandu D) Caspian
- 8. What is the significance of the island of the Dark Island?
A) It contains an army of giants. B) It represents fear and despair. C) It is the home of the mermaids. D) It is a treasure island.
- 9. What does Aslan tell the children at the end?
A) They must conquer a new land. B) Narnia is closing forever. C) They will always be welcome in Narnia. D) They will not return to Narnia.
- 10. What is the primary theme of the book?
A) Fear of the unknown B) Redemption and growth C) Conquest and power D) The strength of friendship
- 11. How does Aslan appear to the characters?
A) As a tree B) As a lion C) As a bird D) As a human
- 12. What becomes of the last island they visit?
A) It sinks into the sea. B) It leads to Aslan's country. C) It becomes a new world. D) It is overrun by evil.
- 13. Who is the old man that guides the children at one point in the story?
A) A talking bear B) A star (Ramandu) C) A mermaid D) A wise wizard
- 14. What does Lucy wish for that causes her trouble?
A) To travel the world B) To be a star C) To become a queen immediately D) To be beautiful like a queen
- 15. Who helps Eustace turn back from being a dragon?
A) Caspian B) Aslan C) Edmund D) Lucy