- 1. Which of the following components of a typical computer workstation displays the graphics?
A) Mouse B) System Unit C) Keyboard D) Monitor
- 2. What are some good ways to get help with using computers?
A) Explore pop-up menus. B) Search the Internet. C) Contact the TRiO office. D) Ask a Friend.
- 3. If you are right handed your primary mouse button is on the left and the secondary mouse button is on the right.
A) True B) False
- 4. Which of the following are features available in Microsoft Excel?
A) Bullet points and alphanumeric lists B) Bold, Italics, and Underlined text C) Right, Left, and Center Justification D) Word and phrase auto-completion
- 5. To update the saved version of a Microsoft Word document you would select _________ from the file menu.
A) Print B) Save As C) Close D) Save
- 6. What mouse command opens a pop-up menu?
A) Double-clicking the left mouse button. B) Double-clicking the right mouse button. C) Clicking the left mouse button. D) Clicking the right mouse button.
- 7. Which of the following icons is for a word processing application?
A) PowerPoint B) Excel C) Access D) Word
- 8. What are the two main ways of navigating the internet?
A) Using a Web Finder B) Using an Internet Map C) Directly using the URL D) Using a Search Engine
- 9. Which keyboard commands are used for the copying and pasting in windows?
A) shift-c and shift-v B) control-c and control-v C) control-x and control-p D) shift-x and shift-p
- 10. What happens when you double left click on an application icon?
A) The application is launched. B) The application is closed. C) The folder is closed. D) The folder is opened in a new window.
- 11. Which of the following companies host internet search engines?
A) Twitter B) Facebook C) Google D) Yahoo
- 12. The CPU or central projection unit is a part of the monitor.
A) True B) False
- 13. To select an icon or launch an application you use the right mouse button.
A) False B) True
- 14. Which of the following Microsoft productivity applications is used for writing letters, papers, or other typed documents?
A) Excel B) Outlook C) Word D) PowerPoint
- 15. Which of the following icons are for internet browsers?
A) Safari B) Word C) Chrome D) Internet Explorer