Kirchhoff's Laws
  • 1. Which law states that the algebraic sum of currents entering a junction must equal the sum of currents leaving the junction?
A) Kirchhoff's Current Law
B) Ohm's Law
C) Faraday's Law
D) Gauss's Law
  • 2. Which law states that the algebraic sum of voltages around any closed loop in a circuit must be zero?
A) Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
B) Ampère's Law
C) Joule's Law
D) Lenz's Law
  • 3. Kirchhoff's Current Law is based on the principle of conservation of what quantity?
A) Charge
B) Resistance
C) Power
D) Energy
  • 4. Kirchhoff's Laws are fundamental in the analysis of which type of circuits?
A) Hydraulic circuits
B) Thermal circuits
C) Mechanical circuits
D) Electrical circuits
  • 5. What term is used for a path in a circuit where there are no branches?
A) Loop
B) Branch
C) Junction
D) Partition
  • 6. In which year were Kirchhoff's Laws first introduced?
A) 1769
B) 1845
C) 1955
D) 1900
  • 7. What instrument is commonly used to measure current in a circuit?
A) Ammeter
B) Ohmmeter
C) Galvanometer
D) Voltmeter
  • 8. What is the unit of measurement for resistance?
A) Ampere
B) Watt
C) Ohm
D) Volt
  • 9. In which field of study are Kirchhoff's Laws commonly used?
A) Chemical engineering
B) Electrical engineering
C) Mechanical engineering
D) Civil engineering
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