Louis XIV (Sun King) becomes King of France at 5 years old
  • 1. During which century did Louis XIV become King of France?
A) 17th century
B) 18th century
C) 16th century
D) 19th century
  • 2. Which title is often associated with Louis XIV?
A) Sun King
B) Moon King
C) Star King
D) Earth King
  • 3. Louis XIV was a member of which royal house?
A) Bourbon
B) Tudor
C) Windsor
D) Habsburg
  • 4. What was the nickname of Louis XIV's mother?
A) Catherine de' Medici
B) Anne of Austria
C) Maria Theresa
D) Isabella of Castile
  • 5. Louis XIV's father was known as which King of France?
A) Francis I
B) Henry IV
C) Louis XIII
D) Louis XVI
  • 6. Which palace was the primary residence of Louis XIV?
A) Versailles
B) Fontainebleau
C) Louvre
D) Château de Chambord
  • 7. Who served as the chief minister to Louis XIV during his early reign?
A) Cardinal de Bourbon
B) Cardinal Mazarin
C) Cardinal Fleury
D) Cardinal Richelieu
  • 8. Louis XIV revoked the ________ which had guaranteed religious freedoms to the Huguenots.
A) Edict of Nantes
B) Edict of Fontainebleau
C) Treaty of Westphalia
D) Peace of Augsburg
  • 9. During Louis XIV's reign, which major European conflict occurred?
A) Seven Years' War
B) Napoleonic Wars
C) Thirty Years' War
D) War of the Spanish Succession
  • 10. Louis XIV is known for promoting which artistic movement?
A) Romanticism
B) Renaissance
C) Baroque
D) Neoclassicism
  • 11. Which famous playwright enjoyed Louis XIV's patronage at the Palace of Versailles?
A) Ibsen
B) Molière
C) Chekhov
D) Shakespeare
  • 12. Louis XIV adopted the _________ as his personal symbol and motto.
A) Sun
B) Moon
C) Star
D) Crescent
  • 13. Which royal courtier famously said 'L'État, c'est moi' ('I am the State')?
A) Marie Antoinette
B) Anne of Austria
C) Cardinal Mazarin
D) Louis XIV
  • 14. What was the name of the financial minister who implemented mercantilist policies in France during Louis XIV's reign?
A) Jean-Baptiste Colbert
B) John Maynard Keynes
C) Karl Marx
D) Adam Smith
  • 15. In which year did Louis XIV die?
A) 1699
B) 1743
C) 1715
D) 1789
  • 16. Louis XIV was instrumental in expanding France's overseas colonies, particularly in which region?
A) Africa
B) North America
C) Caribbean
D) Asia
  • 17. Louis XIV built a powerful navy to challenge which European naval power?
A) Portugal
B) Netherlands
C) Spain
D) England
  • 18. Louis XIV's reign is often associated with the concept of _________, in which power is concentrated in the hands of the monarch.
A) Feudalism
B) Constitutionalism
C) Republicanism
D) Absolutism
  • 19. Louis XIV's court at Versailles was known for its elaborate ________.
A) Feasting
B) Etiquette
C) Dancing
D) Music
  • 20. Which member of the nobility famously opposed Louis XIV's centralization of power and was exiled to the countryside?
A) Vauban
B) Condé
C) Fouquet
D) Turenne
  • 21. What was Louis XIV's motto that encapsulated his approach to governing?
A) E pluribus unum
B) Liberté, égalité, fraternité
C) L'État, c'est moi
D) Veni, vidi, vici
  • 22. Who succeeded Louis XIV as King of France?
A) Louis XV
B) Louis XVI
C) Philippe I
D) Louis XIII
  • 23. Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, ruled which country?
A) Germany
B) England
C) France
D) Spain
  • 24. Which famous courtier and mistress of Louis XIV was known for her beauty and influence at the royal court?
A) Catherine de Medici
B) Marie Antoinette
C) Madame de Montespan
D) Elizabeth I
  • 25. Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes, leading to the persecution of which religious group in France?
A) Catholics
B) Jews
C) Protestants
D) Huguenots
  • 26. Louis XIV's marriage to Maria Theresa of Spain helped establish diplomatic relations between which two countries?
A) France and England
B) France and Austria
C) France and Spain
D) France and Portugal
  • 27. During Louis XIV's reign, which country did France engage in a prolonged struggle for dominance in Europe?
A) England
B) Germany
C) Spain
D) Italy
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