OOPS Formative Test-I
  • 1. Pick the odd one out
A) boolean type
B) character type
C) integer type
D) None of the above
E) array type
  • 2. Which data type is used to represent the absence of parameters?
A) string
B) char
C) void
D) float
E) int
  • 3. What does ‘\a’ escape code represent?
A) nextline
B) alone
C) alert
D) tabspace
E) form feed
  • 4. Which type is best suited to represent the logical values?
A) integer
B) float
C) character
D) boolean
E) All of the above
  • 5. Which of the following accesses the seventh element stored in array?
A) array[6]
B) array(7)
C) array[7]
D) array(6)
E) array(5)
  • 6. What does a class in C++ holds?
A) only data
B) only functions
C) macros
D) All of the above
E) both data & functions
  • 7. Which is used to define the member of a class externally?
A) ::
B) #
C) @
D) ?:
E) :
  • 8. Which keyword is used to define the user defined data types?
A) typedef
B) structure
C) union
D) def
E) type
  • 9. Which of these following members are not accessed by using direct member access operator?
A) private
B) both private & protected
C) protected
D) public
E) All of the above
  • 10. Which special character is used to mark the end of class?
A) //
B) ::
C) ;
E) .
  • 11. What is the syntax of user-defined data types?
A) typedef ExistingDataType NameByUser
B) def NameByUser ExistingDataType
C) None of the above
D) typedef NameByUser ExistingDataType
  • 12. What is the scope of typedef defined data types?
A) inside that block only
B) outside the program
C) None of the above
D) whole program
  • 13. What is the replacement of macros in C++
A) None of the above
B) conditional operator
C) inline functions
D) friend functions
  • 14. Which of the below are object oriented features
A) polymorphism
B) All of the above
C) encapsulation
D) inheritance
E) data binding
  • 15. A constructor that accepts __________ parameters is called the default constructor.
A) two
B) three
C) zero
D) four
E) one
  • 16. Destructor has the same name as the constructor and it is preceded by ______ .
A) ~
B) @
C) !
D) %
E) #
  • 17. __________ used to make a copy of one class object from another class object of the same class type.
A) default constructor
B) copy constructor
C) constructor
D) inline function
E) friend function
  • 18. How many default constructors per class are possible?
A) Multiple
B) Three
C) All the above
D) Two
E) One
  • 19. Which of the following type of data member can be shared by all instances of its class?
A) public
B) friend
C) private
D) static
E) protected
  • 20. Which of the following gets called when an object goes out of scope?
A) None
B) main
C) virtual function
D) constructor
E) destructor
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