Cognitive psychology
  • 1. Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of mental processes such as attention, memory, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making. It seeks to understand how people acquire, process, store, and retrieve information. Cognitive psychologists investigate how the mind works, exploring complex cognitive functions such as language development, problem-solving strategies, and reasoning. By studying these mental processes, cognitive psychology aims to enhance our understanding of human behavior and cognition, providing insights into various aspects of human experience and behavior.

    Who is considered the father of cognitive psychology?
A) B.F. Skinner
B) Ivan Pavlov
C) Sigmund Freud
D) Ulric Neisser
  • 2. What is the term for the mental process of organizing and interpreting sensory information?
A) Thinking
B) Memory
C) Learning
D) Perception
  • 3. What is the term for the process of transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory?
A) Encoding
B) Retrieval
C) Decay
D) Interference
  • 4. Which area of the brain plays a crucial role in memory formation?
A) Cerebellum
B) Hippocampus
C) Occipital lobe
D) Prefrontal cortex
  • 5. In classical conditioning, what is the unlearned response known as?
A) Unconditioned response
B) Neutral response
C) Conditioned response
D) Reinforced response
  • 6. What term describes the mental structures and processes used for organizing information?
A) Algorithm
B) Hypothesis
C) Schema
D) Concept
  • 7. What is the term for the mental process of manipulating information in short-term memory?
A) Selective attention
B) Metacognition
C) Working memory
D) Procedural memory
  • 8. Who proposed the stages of cognitive development, including sensorimotor and formal operational stages?
A) Lev Vygotsky
B) Jean Piaget
C) Erik Erikson
D) Lawrence Kohlberg
  • 9. What is the term for the phenomenon where the first items in a list are more easily remembered?
A) Sensory memory
B) Chunking
C) Recency effect
D) Primacy effect
  • 10. What is the term for the ability to store and retrieve information over time?
A) Memory
B) Imagination
C) Problem-solving
D) Creativity
  • 11. Which term describes the process of breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable parts?
A) Acquisition
B) Consolidation
C) Elaboration
D) Chunking
  • 12. What is the term for the cognitive bias to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions?
A) Availability heuristic
B) Hindsight bias
C) Anchoring bias
D) Confirmation bias
  • 13. What is the term for the interference of new information with the retrieval of old information?
A) State-dependent memory
B) Encoding specificity
C) Proactive interference
D) Retroactive interference
  • 14. Which term refers to the tendency for our memory of an event to be altered by misleading information?
A) Misinformation effect
B) Recall error
C) Cognitive dissonance
D) Memory augmentation
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