State of Israel founded
  • 1. When was the State of Israel founded?
A) 1917
B) 1956
C) 1948
D) 1939
  • 2. Which document proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel?
A) Balfour Declaration
B) Camp David Accords
C) United Nations Resolution 242
D) Declaration of Independence
  • 3. Who was the first Prime Minister of Israel?
A) Yitzhak Rabin
B) David Ben-Gurion
C) Golda Meir
D) Ehud Barak
  • 4. Which city is recognized as the capital of Israel by most countries?
A) Haifa
B) Jerusalem
C) Bethlehem
D) Tel Aviv
  • 5. What plan partitioned British Mandatory Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states?
A) Sykes-Picot Agreement
B) Balfour Declaration
C) United Nations Partition Plan
D) Camp David Accords
  • 6. Which country was the first to recognize the State of Israel upon its founding?
A) United States
B) Soviet Union
C) France
D) United Kingdom
  • 7. What is the national anthem of Israel?
A) Eli, Eli
B) Jerusalem of Gold
C) Hatikvah
D) Adon Olam
  • 8. Which neighboring countries invaded Israel following its declaration of independence in 1948?
A) Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq
B) Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran
C) Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain
D) Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Morocco
  • 9. Who was the first President of Israel?
A) Shimon Peres
B) Menachem Begin
C) Moshe Dayan
D) Chaim Weizmann
  • 10. Which country administered the territory of Palestine before the founding of Israel?
A) Ottoman Empire
B) France
C) Germany
D) United Kingdom
  • 11. What is the official language of Israel?
A) Yiddish
B) Hebrew
C) Arabic
D) English
  • 12. Which city is known as Israel's center of technology and innovation?
A) Jerusalem
B) Tel Aviv
C) Beer Sheva
D) Haifa
  • 13. Who were the two dominant populations targeted by the UN Partition Plan for Palestine?
A) Jews and Arabs
B) Christians and Muslims
C) Palestinians and Europeans
D) Jews and Christians
  • 14. Which city in the State of Israel is home to the Bahai Gardens?
A) Beersheba
B) Haifa
C) Ashkelon
D) Eilat
  • 15. In which war did Israel gain control of East Jerusalem and the West Bank?
A) Yom Kippur War
B) War of Independence
C) Six-Day War
D) Lebanon War
  • 16. What is the name of the Israeli parliament?
A) Duma
B) Majlis
C) Congress
D) Knesset
  • 17. What is the main religion practiced in Israel?
A) Bahá'í Faith
B) Judaism
C) Islam
D) Christianity
  • 18. Which Israeli leader signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979?
A) Benjamin Netanyahu
B) Yitzhak Rabin
C) Shimon Peres
D) Menachem Begin
  • 19. What is the official currency of Israel?
A) Israeli Shekel
B) Israeli Lira
C) Israeli New Shekel
D) Israeli Pound
  • 20. Which Israeli leader was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the Oslo Accords?
A) Yitzhak Rabin
B) Shimon Peres
C) Ariel Sharon
D) Ehud Barak
  • 21. In which year did Israel become a member of the United Nations?
A) 1956
B) 1973
C) 1949
D) 1967
  • 22. Who was Israel's first female Prime Minister?
A) Golda Meir
B) Tzipi Livni
C) Leah Rabin
D) Shulamit Aloni
  • 23. Which body of water lies to the west of Israel?
A) Dead Sea
B) Sea of Galilee
C) Red Sea
D) Mediterranean Sea
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