The Power of Multilingualism
  • 1. What is multilingualism?
A) The use of slang in different languages.
B) The ability to speak multiple languages fluently.
C) The practice of speaking in a monotone manner.
D) The study of various linguistic structures.
  • 2. Multilingualism can delay the onset of which condition?
A) Allergies
B) Dementia
C) Arthritis
D) Asthma
  • 3. What is code-switching?
A) Changing clothes based on language spoken.
B) Programming languages used for software development.
C) Deciphering secret codes in communication.
D) Alternating between two or more languages in a conversation.
  • 4. Which region has the highest number of multilingual speakers?
A) North America
B) Africa
C) Asia
D) Europe
  • 5. What is a polyglot?
A) An extinct language.
B) A person who speaks multiple languages.
C) A programming language.
D) A hybrid of two languages.
  • 6. What is a lingua franca?
A) A language spoken only by linguists.
B) A type of musical instrument.
C) A common language used for communication between speakers of different languages.
D) A specific dialect spoken by a minority group.
  • 7. What is a heritage language?
A) A language used in religious ceremonies.
B) A language passed down through generations within a family or community.
C) A language used for legal documents only.
D) An artificial language created for a specific purpose.
  • 8. What is language attrition?
A) The increase in language abilities over time.
B) The sudden onset of language difficulties.
C) The willingness to learn new languages.
D) The decline of proficiency in a language due to lack of use.
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