Comanche Indians
  • 1. A _____ is a fierce fighter.
A) shaman
B) peacemaker
C) warrior
  • 2. Spanish settlers brought _____ to North America in the 1600s.
A) horses
B) buffalo
C) cows
  • 3. Comanches carried _____ to protect their bodies during battle.
A) shields
B) helmets
C) vests
  • 4. The Comanche sing and dance at a _____ to honor their beliefs.
A) War Council
B) powwow
C) spirit dance
  • 5. All year long, the Comanche ate _____.
A) buffalo meat
B) fish
C) wolf meat
  • 6. Tepees were perfect for the Comanche because they _____.
A) liked small homes
B) wanted permanent homes
C) traveled a lot
  • 7. Since Comanches valued their weapons, they _____ them.
A) slept with
B) refused to lend
C) decorated
  • 8. The Comanche tried to catch wild horses while they were _____.
A) drinking
B) sleeping
C) running
  • 9. Did the horse make life better or worse for the Comanches? Explain your answer.
  • 10. Explain why you think the Comanche disliked life on reservations.
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