A) Turned water into wine B) Healed a blind man C) Fed 5,000 with loaves and fishes D) Raised Lazarus from the dead
A) David B) Elisha C) Solomon D) Daniel
A) Jeremiah B) Isaiah C) Elijah D) Elisha
A) The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as tongues of fire B) Jesus walked on water C) Manna fell from heaven D) An angel appeared to Mary
A) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego B) Isaiah C) Daniel D) Elijah
A) Cyrus B) Nebuchadnezzar C) Xerxes D) Belshazzar
A) Sent locusts to plague the Egyptians B) Caused manna to fall from the sky C) Made the sun stand still D) Parted the Red Sea
A) Thomas B) James C) John D) Peter |