Grey Mouse Lemur
  • 1. What is the scientific name of the Grey Mouse Lemur?
A) Cheirogaleus medius
B) Microcebus murinus
C) Varecia variegata
D) Lemur catta
  • 2. Where is the Grey Mouse Lemur primarily found?
A) Madagascar
B) Australia
C) Indonesia
D) Brazil
  • 3. Which of the following best describes the Grey Mouse Lemur's activity pattern?
A) Crepuscular
B) Nocturnal
C) Matutinal
D) Diurnal
  • 4. Grey Mouse Lemurs belong to which family of primates?
A) Lemuridae
B) Lepilemuridae
C) Indriidae
D) Cheirogaleidae
  • 5. How do Grey Mouse Lemurs communicate with each other?
A) Telepathy
B) Vocalizations and scent marking
C) Use of sign language
D) Visual signals and dances
  • 6. Grey Mouse Lemurs are known for their:
A) Large eyes
B) Sharp claws
C) Long tail
D) Thick fur
  • 7. Grey Mouse Lemurs have a keen sense of:
A) Taste
B) Hearing
C) Sight
D) Smell
  • 8. Which type of locomotion do Grey Mouse Lemurs primarily use on the ground?
A) Bipedalism
B) Quadrupedalism
C) Climbing
D) Jumping
  • 9. During the dry season, Grey Mouse Lemurs can enter a state of:
A) Playfulness
B) Torpor
C) Meditation
D) Aggression
  • 10. What is the main threat to Grey Mouse Lemurs today?
A) Climate change
B) Habitat loss
C) Poaching
D) Predation
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