Herbert Hoover, the 31st U.S. President
  • 1. When was Herbert Hoover born?
A) 1874
B) 1923
C) 1859
D) 1910
  • 2. What was Herbert Hoover's profession before entering politics?
A) Teacher
B) Doctor
C) Engineer
D) Farmer
  • 3. Which governmental department did Herbert Hoover lead before becoming President?
A) Department of State
B) Department of Defense
C) Department of Justice
D) Department of Commerce
  • 4. What was Herbert Hoover's party affiliation?
A) Independent
B) Republican
C) Democrat
D) Libertarian
  • 5. In which year was Herbert Hoover elected President of the United States?
A) 1932
B) 1928
C) 1916
D) 1940
  • 6. During which major event did the Great Depression start under Herbert Hoover's presidency?
A) Stock Market Crash of 1929
B) Cold War
C) World War I
D) Prohibition Era
  • 7. Which program did Herbert Hoover implement to address the economic challenges of the Great Depression?
A) Reconstruction Finance Corporation
B) Social Security
C) FHA Home Loans
D) Medicare
  • 8. Which famous public works project was authorized by Herbert Hoover in response to the Great Depression?
A) Empire State Building
B) Golden Gate Bridge
C) Hoover Dam
D) Mount Rushmore
  • 9. What was the campaign slogan for Herbert Hoover in the 1928 presidential election?
A) A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage
B) Keep America Safe
C) Make America Great Again
D) Hope and Change
  • 10. Who was Herbert Hoover's vice president during his presidency?
A) Charles Curtis
B) Theodore Roosevelt
C) Harry S. Truman
D) Calvin Coolidge
  • 11. Which of the following is a book written by Herbert Hoover?
A) The Challenge to Liberty
B) Moby Dick
C) The Great Gatsby
D) Pride and Prejudice
  • 12. What was the name of Herbert Hoover's wife?
A) Lou Henry Hoover
B) Eleanor Roosevelt
C) Nancy Reagan
D) Jacqueline Kennedy
  • 13. Which war did Herbert Hoover provide humanitarian aid to after World War I?
A) Russian Civil War
B) Vietnam War
C) Korean War
D) Gulf War
  • 14. Who succeeded Herbert Hoover as President of the United States?
A) Richard Nixon
B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
C) John F. Kennedy
D) Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • 15. Where did Herbert Hoover attend college?
A) Princeton University
B) Harvard University
C) Stanford University
D) Yale University
  • 16. What was Herbert Hoover's middle name?
A) Clark
B) George
C) James
D) Edward
  • 17. Which government commission did Herbert Hoover chair following World War I?
A) Food Administration
B) Civil Rights Commission
  • 18. In which state was Herbert Hoover born?
A) Texas
B) New York
C) California
D) Iowa
  • 19. What was the nickname given to shantytowns that sprung up during the Great Depression?
A) Eisenhowervilles
B) Rooseveltvilles
C) Hoovervilles
D) Trumanvilles
  • 20. What was the name of the legislation passed in 1932 to provide financial relief during the Great Depression?
A) Social Security Act
B) Medicare Act
C) New Deal Act
D) Emergency Relief and Construction Act
  • 21. Which U.S. state did Herbert Hoover represent in the 1920s as a US Secretary of Commerce?
A) California
B) Ohio
C) Illinois
D) New York
  • 22. What treaty was signed by Herbert Hoover and other world powers to limit the sizes of naval forces internationally?
A) Paris Naval Agreement
B) Washington Naval Accord
C) London Naval Treaty
D) Geneva Naval Pact
  • 23. Which of the following organizations did Herbert Hoover co-found to provide aid and assistance to people across Europe after World War I?
A) Doctors Without Borders
B) United Nations
C) Red Cross
D) American Relief Administration
  • 24. What was Hoover's philosophy regarding government intervention during the Great Depression?
A) Fascism
B) Communism
C) Laissez-faire
D) Socialism
  • 25. Which country did Hoover send troops to in order to protect American interests?
A) Nicaragua
B) Canada
C) China
D) Germany
  • 26. What was the highest civilian award Hoover received?
A) Nobel Peace Prize
B) Purple Heart
C) Freedom Medal
D) Medal of Honor
  • 27. During Hoover's presidency, which stock market crash occurred?
A) Black Friday
B) Black Tuesday
C) Bloody Thursday
D) Red Monday
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