Quiz 15 (Moh's Hardness Scale)
  • 1. The _________________________________ is what is used to determine how durable minerals are.
A) Moh's Mineral Scale
B) Moh's Durable Scale
C) Doh's Durable Scale
D) Moh's Hardness Scale
E) Doh's Hardness Scale
  • 2. The hardest known mineral is the ___________________________________.
A) Calcite
B) Olivine
C) Corundum
D) Diamond
E) Quartz
  • 3. According to the ESRT's "Properties of Common Minerals," a mineral with a hardness of 5.5 can break another mineral with a hardness of ___________________________.
A) 5.6 or below
B) 6.0 or below
C) 5.5 or below
D) 10 or below
E) 7.0 or below
  • 4. Diamonds have two common types of use: __________________________ and ________________________.
A) commercial, instrumental
B) cosmetic, industrial
C) current, instrumental
D) concurrent, industrial
E) conductive, industrial
  • 5. According to the ESRT's Properties of Common Minerals, Graphite (Grafito) has a hardness of
A) 2-4
B) 2-3
C) 1-4
D) 1-2
E) 1-5
  • 6. Calcite (Calcita) is composed of Calcium and ______________________.
A) Fe (1 iron)
B) CCl3 (1 Carbon, 3 Chlorine)
C) Cl (1 Chlorine)
D) CO (1 Carbon, 1 Oxygen)
E) CO3 (1 Carbon, 3 Oxygen)
  • 7. Sulfur (Azufre) can easily break __________________________.
A) Quartz
B) Garnet
C) Talc
D) Muscovite Mica
E) Potassium Feldspar
  • 8. The most important use for Sulfur is as _____________________________.
A) Sulfuric Jewelry
B) Sulfuric Lubricants
C) Sulfuric Drywall
D) Sulfuric Ceramics
E) Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
  • 9. Magnetite can break Galena, Graphite, and Magnetite but not _______________________________.
A) Dolomite (Dolomita)
B) Halite (Halita)
C) Sulfur (Azufre)
D) Quartz (Cuarzo)
E) Plagioclase Feldspar (Feldespato Plagioclasa)
  • 10. The best mineral to use for pencil lead and lubricants is _________________________.
A) Pyrite
B) Magnetite
C) Halite
D) Graphite
E) Galena
  • 11. The only difference between Graphite and a Diamond is that...
A) Graphites are only found in America
B) Diamonds are only found in Russia
C) Graphites and Diamonds are exactly the same
D) Diamonds and Graphites both have a hardness of 10
E) Diamonds are highly pressurized and heated Carbon
  • 12. (Fe, Mg)2 SI04 is the composition of ________________________________.
A) Olivine
B) Dolomite
C) Amphibole
D) Quartz
E) Muscovite Mica
  • 13. Pyroxene is usually a _______________________ color.
A) black to silver
B) white to pink or gray
C) black to dark green
D) colorless to white
E) brassy yellow
  • 14. Talc is best used for...
A) sulfuric acid
B) paint, roofing
C) ceramics, paper
D) ore of sulfur
E) ore of iron
  • 15. Many jewelry experts, watchmakers particularly, believe the best material for watches to maintain time perfectly is...
A) Selenite Gypsum
B) Quartz
C) Halite
D) Muscovite Mica
E) Calcite
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