Chapter 1 Ross_Gregory Creating America
  • 1. What key development led to the rise of civilizations in the Americas?
A) migration
B) culture
C) irrigation
D) agriculture
  • 2. What did Muslim traders crossing the Sahara bring from North Africa to West Africa?
A) North African slaves
B) teachings of Islam
C) All of these
D) fortune tellers
  • 3. Which of the following is NOT a required feature of a civilization?
A) residence along the coast of an ocean
B) specialized jobs for different people
C) cities that are centers of trade
D) organized forms of government and religion
  • 4. What method did the Hohokam use to alter their dry environment to make farming possible?
A) mound building
B) slash-and-burn
C) irrigation
D) hunting and gathering
  • 5. How did religious practices and art spread through early American cultures?
A) potlatch
B) agriculture
C) war
D) trade
  • 6. What key factor helped the Aztecs become a strong empire?
A) They conquered their neighbors.
B) They were experienced hunters.
C) They worshipped the sun.
D) They had a complex society.
  • 7. Ghana became the first West African kingdom to grow rich by controlling the trade of what two things?
A) gold and camels
B) gold and ivory
C) salt and ivory
D) salt and gold
  • 8. What helped spread Renaissance ideas in Europe?
A) the printing press
B) the Crusades
C) the Reformation
D) the travels of Marco Polo
  • 9. What was the result of Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama finding an all-water route to Asia?
A) Portugal could trade with Asia without dealing with the Muslims or Italians.
B) Portugal took control of the spice trade.
C) All of these.
D) Other Europeans began looking for their own water route to Asia.
  • 10. How did the geographic knowledge Christopher Columbus brought back to Spain change European views of the world?
A) He found continents previously unknown to Europe.
B) He found a shorter route to Asia.
C) He discovered the Earth was flat.
D) He found the Atlantic Ocean to be wider than the Pacific.
  • 11. What was the name of the land bridge between Asia and the Americas?
A) Alaska Path
B) Beringia
C) La Venta
D) Bering Strait
  • 12. Which was NOT a reason why Europeans sought a water route to Asia in the 1400s?
A) European rulers wanted to enslave the peoples of Asia.
B) Italian and Muslim merchants controlled existing trade routes to Asia.
C) Europeans wanted Asian goods.
D) European merchants wanted to profit from the Asian trade.
  • 13. To " "domesticate" " is to move from one place to another.
A) True
B) False
  • 14. A " "culture" " is a way of life shared by people with similar arts, beliefs, and customs.
A) False
B) True
  • 15. In the late 1500s a man named Deganawida advised the five northern Iroquois nations to form " "independent governments" ".
A) False
B) True
  • 16. When the Pueblo built irrigation systems to allow farming, they were using " "technology" " to change their environment.
A) True
B) False
  • 17. Many Native American peoples farmed by clearing the forest in a process known as " "domestication of agriculture" "
A) True
B) False
  • 18. Which of the following is not true of the Muslims in Africa?
A) Many converted to Islam from traditional African religions.
B) They were followers of a religion called Islam.
C) Muslims had very little influence on the early African kingdoms.
D) Muslims spread their religion through trade and conquest.
  • 19. How was Islam established in West Africa?
A) The prophet Muhammad established it when he conquered Ghana.
B) Portuguese traders introduced it to Benin.
C) The religion's founder was a West African.
D) It was brought by Muslim traders from North Africa.
  • 20. What was the Reformation?
A) the end of feudalism
B) an effort to correct problems in the Catholic church
C) All of these.
D) a renewed interest in the arts and learning
  • 21. What was the goal of the Crusades?
A) for Christians to take control of the Holy Land from the Muslims
B) to reform the Catholic church
C) to find new trade routes to Asia
D) None of these
  • 22. Which of the following was not true of early navigators?
A) Navigators played an important role in Europe's age of discovery.
B) The founding of a navigation school in the 1400s encouraged voyages of exploration.
C) Henry the Navigator was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa.
D) They planned the course of a ship by using instruments to find its position.
  • 23. The development of the caravel was important to Europe's Age of Discovery because
A) it allowed explorers to sail into the wind more easily.
B) it helped explorers to raise money to finance their voyages.
C) it helped sailors to accurately find their position while at sea.
D) it allowed geographers to estimate the distance between Europe and Asia.
  • 24. Which is NOT true of Christopher Columbus?
A) He made just one voyage to the Americas before he died.
B) He thought he could reach Asia in the east by sailing west across the Atlantic.
C) He was an Italian explorer who sailed for the king and queen of Spain
D) He died still believing that he had reached Asia.
  • 25. When he reached the Americas, Columbus called the people he met "Indians" because
A) he thought he had reached India.
B) that is what the people called themselves.
C) he thought he was in some Asian islands called the Indies.
D) the word "Indians" in Italian means "islanders."
  • 26. About what time period did the Anasazi live in the southwest?
A) beginning about 800 A.D.
B) beginning about 1400 A.D.
C) beginning about 100 A.D.
D) beginning about 250 B.C.
  • 27. What two West African empires became wealthy from trading salt and gold?
A) Songhai and Hausa
B) Ghana and Hausa
C) Ghana and Mali
D) Benin and Yoruba
  • 28. How did Columbus's failed attempt to find Asia actually benefit Spain?
A) The king of Portugal became indebted to Columbus.
B) The Taino people became allies and part of the Spanish culture.
C) Columbus spread the Renaissance to the Americas.
D) The land Columbus claimed increased Spain's wealth and power.
  • 29. Why were European countries looking for all-water routes to Asia?
A) They wanted to colonize Asia.
B) They were looking for cities of gold.
C) They wanted part of the spice trade.
D) They were interested in Asian culture.
  • 30. What does the system of irrigation tell us about early American societies?
A) They grew many crops for religious ceremonies.
B) Women did most of the farming.
C) These techniques were essential to trade.
D) They used technology to adapt to their environments.
  • 31. Why did Ghana's rulers allow Muslims to bring their faith to the region?
A) The rulers converted to Islam and wanted their people to convert.
B) The rulers needed new advisers and thought the Muslims were honest.
C) The rulers wanted to convert the Muslims to their traditions and beliefs.
D) The rulers were eager to attract trade ties with Islamic empires.
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