Haitian History
  • 1. Haiti, formerly known as Saint-Domingue, is a country located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. It was the first independent nation in Latin America and the first black-led republic in the world, gaining its independence from France in 1804. Haitian history is marked by a rich and complex blend of African, indigenous, and European influences, shaping its unique culture and identity. The country has faced numerous challenges throughout its history, including political instability, economic hardship, and natural disasters. Despite these challenges, Haiti has a vibrant cultural heritage, with music, art, and literature that reflect its resilience and spirit of independence.

    Who led the Haitian Revolution?
A) Alexandre Pétion
B) Toussaint Louverture
C) Henri Christophe
D) Jean-Jacques Dessalines
  • 2. When did Haiti declare its independence?
A) October 9, 1820
B) March 17, 1843
C) January 1, 1804
D) December 5, 1861
  • 3. Which European power controlled Haiti before its independence?
A) France
B) Portugal
C) Spain
D) England
  • 4. What is the capital of Haiti?
A) Cap-Haïtien
B) Port-au-Prince
C) Jacmel
D) Les Cayes
  • 5. In what year was President Jean-Bertrand Aristide overthrown in a coup?
A) 2004
B) 1986
C) 1990
D) 2010
  • 6. What important natural disaster struck Haiti in 2010?
A) Earthquake
B) Volcanic eruption
C) Hurricane
D) Tsunami
  • 7. What is the largest religion in Haiti?
A) Protestantism
B) Vodou
C) Catholicism
D) Islam
  • 8. Which tropical fruit is commonly grown and consumed in Haiti?
A) Mango
B) Pineapple
C) Coconut
D) Banana
  • 9. Who was the first leader of independent Haiti?
A) Alexandre Pétion
B) Henri Christophe
C) Toussaint Louverture
D) Jean-Jacques Dessalines
  • 10. Which airport serves as the primary international gateway to Haiti?
A) Toussaint Louverture International Airport
B) Les Cayes Airport
C) Jacmel Airport
D) Cap-Haïtien International Airport
  • 11. What is the currency of Haiti?
A) Dollar
B) Gourde
C) Euro
D) Peso
  • 12. Which major river runs through Haiti?
A) Artibonite River
B) Chavanne River
C) Jacinthe River
D) Petit-Goâve River
  • 13. What was the name of the French colony that became Haiti?
A) Martinique
B) Saint-Domingue
C) French Guiana
D) Guadeloupe
  • 14. Which of the following is a significant export of Haiti?
A) Cotton
B) Sugar
C) Bananas
D) Coffee
  • 15. Which hurricane caused significant damage to Haiti in 2010?
A) Hurricane Sandy
B) Hurricane Matthew
C) Hurricane Maria
D) Hurricane Irma
  • 16. Who was Haiti's first democratically elected president following the fall of the Duvalier regime?
A) René Préval
B) Jean-Bertrand Aristide
C) Jean-Claude Duvalier
D) Michel Martelly
  • 17. Which international organization was heavily involved in providing aid to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake?
A) United Nations
B) World Health Organization
C) World Bank
D) European Union
  • 18. What is the name of the Haitian voodoo spirit associated with death and rebirth?
A) Simbi
B) Baron Samedi
C) Ogoun
D) Erzulie Freda
  • 19. Which U.S. president ordered the invasion and occupation of Haiti in 1915?
A) Theodore Roosevelt
B) Woodrow Wilson
C) Dwight D. Eisenhower
D) Harry Truman
  • 20. Which famous aviator disappeared over the Caribbean during their flight to Haiti in 1937?
A) Wilbur Wright
B) Amelia Earhart
C) Charles Lindbergh
D) Howard Hughes
  • 21. Who was the most recent Haitian president as of 2021?
A) René Préval
B) Jovenel Moïse
C) Michel Martelly
D) Jean-Bertrand Aristide
  • 22. What is the meaning of the phrase 'L'Union Fait la Force' on the Haitian coat of arms?
A) Justice for All
B) Unity Makes Strength
C) God Bless Haiti
D) Freedom and Liberation
  • 23. Which practice was abolished by the Haitian Revolution?
A) Trade unions
B) Slavery
C) Freedom of speech
D) Voting rights
  • 24. Who was the dictator known as 'Papa Doc'?
A) Jean-Claude Duvalier
B) Jean-Bertrand Aristide
C) François Duvalier
D) René Préval
  • 25. What type of government does Haiti have?
A) Monarchy
B) Dictatorship
C) Communism
D) Republic
  • 26. Which of the following is a famous landmark in Haiti?
A) Statue of Liberty
B) Eiffel Tower
C) Taj Mahal
D) Citadelle Laferrière
  • 27. What is the approximate population of Haiti?
A) 17 million
B) 5 million
C) 11 million
D) 23 million
  • 28. Who was the first black president of Haiti?
A) Jean-Jacques Dessalines
B) Alexandre Pétion
C) François Duvalier
D) René Préval
  • 29. What are the colors of the Haitian national flag?
A) Orange and purple
B) Black and yellow
C) Green and white
D) Blue and red
  • 30. Which famous musician was born in Haiti and became a global sensation?
A) Celia Cruz
B) Suzanne Kiki
C) Bob Marley
D) Wyclef Jean
  • 31. Who was the US President that apologized for the US involvement in the Duvalier dictatorship?
A) Barack Obama
B) George Bush
C) Bill Clinton
D) Donald Trump
  • 32. What is the national flower of Haiti?
A) Hibiscus
B) Orchid
C) Rose
D) Sunflower
  • 33. What famous festival takes place annually in Jacmel, Haiti?
A) Lakansyèl Music Festival
B) Carnival
C) Okap Festival
D) Anse-à-Veau Street Fest
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