Samuel Beckett
  • 1. In which country was Samuel Beckett born?
A) England
B) United States
C) Ireland
D) France
  • 2. What novel is often considered Samuel Beckett's most famous work?
A) Endgame
B) Molloy
C) Murphy
D) Waiting for Godot
  • 3. Which year did Samuel Beckett receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?
A) 1975
B) 1969
C) 1956
D) 1984
  • 4. In 'Endgame', Hamm is blind and unable to stand. Who is Hamm's servant?
A) Estragon
B) Clov
C) Vladimir
D) Lucky
  • 5. What is the opening line of Beckett's novel 'Molloy'?
A) The sun was setting as I stumbled into the village.
B) I am in my mother's room. It's I who live there now.
C) In the beginning, there was darkness.
D) Once a upon a time, in a faraway land...
  • 6. Beckett was associated with which literary movement known for its use of minimalism and understatement?
A) Naturalism
B) Symbolism
C) Romanticism
D) Theatre of the Absurd
  • 7. What is the name of the main character in Beckett's play 'Happy Days'?
A) Martha
B) Winnie
C) Sarah
D) Esther
  • 8. Who directed the first English-language production of 'Waiting for Godot' in 1955?
A) Tennessee Williams
B) Harold Pinter
C) Orson Welles
D) Peter Hall
  • 9. Which of Beckett's works is often considered the beginning of his 'trilogy' of novels?
A) Happy Days
B) Embers
C) Molloy
D) Endgame
  • 10. Which university did Samuel Beckett attend to study Romance languages?
A) Trinity College Dublin
B) Sorbonne University
C) Harvard University
D) Cambridge University
  • 11. What is the title of Samuel Beckett's radio play in which all characters are physically immobile?
A) All That Fall
B) Embers
C) Ohio Impromptu
D) Rough for Theatre I
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