John's Gospel
  • 1. Who is traditionally believed to be the author of John's Gospel?
A) Paul
B) Matthew
C) James
D) John the Apostle
  • 2. In which language was the Gospel of John originally written?
A) Hebrew
B) Greek
C) Latin
D) Aramaic
  • 3. Which famous verse is found in John 3:16?
A) In the beginning was the Word
B) The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
C) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
D) Let there be light
  • 4. Where did Jesus perform his first public miracle in John's Gospel?
A) Feeding the 5,000
B) Healing the leper
C) Wedding at Cana
D) Raising Lazarus
  • 5. How many signs does John's Gospel recount?
A) Ten
B) Seven
C) Twelve
D) Five
  • 6. What is the last sign recorded in John's Gospel?
A) Healing a blind man
B) Feeding the multitude
C) Raising Lazarus from the dead
D) Walking on water
  • 7. What did Jesus wash in his Last Supper with the disciples in John's Gospel?
A) Hands
B) Feet
C) Heads
D) Robes
  • 8. How many chapters are there in the Gospel of John?
A) 18
B) 15
C) 24
D) 21
  • 9. What did Jesus say to Mary at the cross in John's Gospel?
A) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me
B) I thirst
C) Woman, behold your son
D) Father, forgive them
  • 10. Who was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus according to John's Gospel?
A) Peter
B) Thomas
C) John
D) Mary Magdalene
  • 11. What did Thomas declare upon seeing Jesus' wounds in John's Gospel?
A) I do not believe
B) Blessed are you
C) My Lord and my God
D) Peace be with you
  • 12. What does the phrase 'I am' (Ego Eimi) signify in John's Gospel?
A) Divine identity
B) Human suffering
C) Kingly authority
D) Messianic fulfillment
  • 13. Who doubted Jesus' resurrection until he could see and touch the wounds?
A) James
B) Thomas
C) Judas
D) Peter
  • 14. How did Peter deny Jesus three times in John's Gospel?
A) By the fire in the high priest's courtyard
B) At the foot of the cross
C) In the garden of Gethsemane
D) By the Sea of Galilee
  • 15. What does Jesus tell his disciples is the greatest commandment in John's Gospel?
A) To love one another
B) To make sacrifices
C) To keep the Sabbath holy
D) To observe the dietary laws
  • 16. What is the last week of Jesus' life called in John's Gospel?
A) Healing Week
B) Teaching Week
C) Miracle Week
D) Passion Week
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