Glottal stops in languages
  • 1. What is a glottal stop?
A) A type of nasal consonant
B) A punctuation mark
C) A type of vowel sound
D) A consonant sound made by closing the vocal cords
  • 2. In which language does a glottal stop occur in words like 'uh-oh'?
A) French
B) Spanish
C) English
D) Japanese
  • 3. Which International Phonetic Alphabet symbol represents the glottal stop?
A) ʔ
B) g
C) t
D) k
  • 4. In which region is the glottal stop commonly used in pronunciations?
A) South America
B) Australia
C) Scandinavia
D) Middle East
  • 5. What effect does a glottal stop have on the rhythm of a language?
A) Smoothens the flow of speech
B) Can create a staccato or abrupt rhythm
C) No effect on rhythm
D) Makes the speech sound faster
  • 6. Which language uses the glottal stop as a separate phoneme, changing the meaning of words?
A) Arabic
B) Mandarin Chinese
C) Russian
D) German
  • 7. What is the term for the process of using a glottal stop instead of another sound in a word?
A) Diphthong
B) Consonant cluster
C) Stress pattern
D) Glottalization
  • 8. Which of the following languages commonly uses a glottal stop in its words?
A) Swedish
B) Italian
C) Hawaiian
D) Korean
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