What should the numerator and denominator of the middle term be multiplied by to get common denominators. Solve 1 + (b - 5) = 2 b = What should the the numerator and denominator of the indicated term be multiplied by to getcommon denominators? 6 = 1 - 1(n - 2) Solve n = What should the numerator and denominator of each indicated term be multiplied by to getcommon denominators? 4(n - 6) + 1 = n + 1 Solve n = What should the numerator and denominator of each indicated term be multiplied by to get common denominators? P.S. Enter your answer as a decimal if needed... 5(x - 3) = 6 + 1(x + 1) Solve x = What should the numerator and denominator of the term be multiplied by to get common denominators? Use your answer on the previous question to help solve by canceling out the denominators. x = |