Italo Calvino
  • 1. What is the birth year of Italo Calvino?
A) 1923
B) 1925
C) 1920
D) 1930
  • 2. What is the original Italian title of 'Invisible Cities'?
A) Le città fantastiche
B) Le città scomparse
C) Le città perdute
D) Le città invisibili
  • 3. In which year did Italo Calvino pass away?
A) 2000
B) 1980
C) 1985
D) 1990
  • 4. Which of these works is a collection of short stories by Calvino?
A) The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
B) Cosmicomics
C) The Castle of Crossed Destinies
D) The Path to the Nest of Spiders
  • 5. What style is prominently featured in 'If on a Winter's Night a Traveler'?
A) Non-fiction
B) Metafiction
C) Epic
D) Biographical
  • 6. Which city heavily influenced Calvino's writing?
A) Rome
B) Venice
C) Florence
D) Turin
  • 7. Calvino's narrative style is often described as?
A) Dry
B) Solemn
C) Playful
D) Conventional
  • 8. Which of these is a fantasy element in Calvino's work?
A) Realistic dialogue
B) Historical figures
C) Talking animals
D) Politics
  • 9. What profession did Calvino hold early in his career?
A) Scientist
B) Teacher
C) Journalist
D) Artist
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